Chapter 1: ●

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I was standing in the corner of the room, alone as per usual, not that it really bothered me. It was all the normal Friday night high-school-party-bullshit, with all the usual fake 'in your face' drama-queen's and their shimmering eyes, reeling in all the hot ass jocks I'd never had a chance with.

And all these dumb jocks just spend their nights falling for it over and over again, you couldn't get their eyes off those chicks even if you tried... But my eyes just usually stuck to the floor, the ceiling and the occasional pot plant or vase of flowers.

I didn't care about boys or sex or partying and drinking like everyone else at my school did, I just wanted to study and get good grades and make my parents proud...

Until that night, the one time I had actually decided to go to a party and what happened? My eyes hit a boy... He had short black hair, not too tall, not too short, dressed in black, STUNNING in my opinion, I'd never seen him at school before though, I had no clue who he was, but I wanted to. He was standing off to the side of where everyone was dancing, 'maybe he didn't like social interactions either?' I giggled to myself while gazing at him, what the hell was I thinking? And why was I so drawn to this guy?

I stood there for a few minutes just starring at him, until he looked up and gave me a strange look for starring so long, why the hell was I so creepy?... 'Shit!' I shouted through my head 'Now I just look ridiculous and desperate!' Why was I getting so worked up over him catching me starring? I felt like one of those year 7 girls who have massive crushes on celebrities that they'll never even meet... Feeling embarrassed as hell, I shot my eyes from a few walls, to a few people and then to my beer to cover up my starring blue. I noticed that he started giggling a little, oh gosh, I felt so stupid, sipping away at a drink while completely humiliating myself by looking at this, then that, then something else, then back. He stopped giggling for a moment and as he did, he fired a smile my way, so I blushed and shot another one back at him.

'BZZZZZT BZZZZZT' "Stupid phone" I whispered to myself, it was a text, Mum: "It's 12am... Where are you? I'm worried." She was always worried about me, it was really annoying, but I thought I'd do the right thing, Kate: "im at a party, on my way home now, dont worry i wont be long x." After I replied, I picked up my handbag and left, "I didn't even get to talk to him!" I raged at myself as I started my walk home. It was dark, like really dark, the kind of dark where you couldn't even see the freckles on your arms and it was freezing cold too, I hated nights like that. As I reached the start of my street I began to lose feeling in my hands because of the cold, so I ran the rest of the way to my house. 

Oh boy was I in for a lecture... As I slowly opened the front door to my house, I could see my mother standing there, just waiting for me to get inside so she could unleash her demonic, motherly powers on my ass for being home so late...

But no, I got a hug and an "It's late, go to bed" in stead, that was different, really different, I never came home late and got a hug for it. Maybe she took too many Valium... She was like that, so I just left it and went to bed.

That night all I could think about was him, every time I would close my eyes the thought of him came into my head, it was maddening. I had hoped to see him again, but I didn't think there was a chance of that, I was a realist, guys that good only came from one's imagination. I doubted I'd see him for a second time.

Saturday came and just like every other Saturday, I did the exact same shit, I helped mum with breakfast because my parents had the weekend off from work, then tried to make some sort of conversation with my father while he worked on his cars.

Then I practised my instruments; piano, acoustic guitar and some times I'd sing but I didn't really like to because I was born with one of those terrible disorders called 'mute deafness'. After I did all of that I had lunch and then went grocery shopping with my mum.

That tired me out heaps as usual and took up majority of my Saturday so after all of that I felt the need to have one of my chronic lazy "I need to sit on the couch and be a vegetable for 3 hours" moments, had dinner, studied for a while, then showered and finally went to sleep. 

Then the worst day of the week came, my 'bad luck day', mainly because nothing I ever did on a Sunday brought much luck or happiness to myself, a pointless day in my opinion.

At 10am I had my 'Shitty Sunday' piano lesson, I loved piano, the feeling of my fingers hitting those keys just gave me chills, good chills. Every time I played I just felt so alive, as I was growing up, I isolated myself and backed as far as I could away from everyone and everything, piano just became one of the only things that kept me hanging on by a thread to the world and if my lessons hadn't have been on a Sunday, I would've loved them twice as much.

When my piano lesson finished I sent my mum a text and asked her to pick me up, she agreed to so I walked over to a bench and sat down with my earphones in with music playing while I waited for my mum.

I stood up, grabbed my bag, hung it over one of my shoulders and was just about to start walking home after waiting for my mother for like 25 minutes when her little, lime green buggie pulled into the car park, as she parked the little shit-box it backfired miserably, so me being me, I dropped to my knees and drew so much attention to myself by bursting out in laughter.

After the backfiring incident I hobbled up and jumped into the car, my mother just sat there, unsure of how to react to my random outbursts as per usual, she looked to the front windscreen and started the car, we left the music store where I had my lessons and went home.

I felt a bit tired so I went back to bed for a while, when I woke up I had something to eat and then helped my mum clean the house because frankly there's never anything good on TV on a Sunday, majority of the shops aren't open and everyone is either still busy from Saturday night or spending the day with their 'Gods'... I was glad it was over every single Sunday night.

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