Chapter 12: Disturbed

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Jake walked into the room with an 'evilish' grin on his face, he was carrying a plate with a sandwhich that was cut in half on it, I could sense that he had done something to the sandwhich, I was guessing he had put something in it... But I didn't know what.

He put the plate on the ground next to me and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, I reached for the plate and pulled it towards me. I picked one of the halves up and smelt them... I knew this smell... It was so familiar! Sleepers! I knew it! I used to take these to help me sleep, they knock you out like a light... But, why would he try to drug me? Maybe he was planning something...?

I put the half back on the plate and started smelling the other half, it was clean, so I ripped part of the crust off so I knew which one was which. Jake walked back into the room and sat down next to me, "Hungry?" he said, I nodded and picked up the half with the part of crust missing, I chomped into it and smiled at him, he picked up the other half and took a big bite out of it. We sat there eating for about a minute, then he started closing his eyes, he fell backwards and hit his head on the ground, he was out!

I checked the door to see if it was unlocked, it wasn't... So I checked Jake's pockets and found a chain with about 20 keys on it, I took it and walked over to the door, I tried about 16 and they all didn't work... Then the 17th one worked! I unlocked the door and slowly walked out of the room into a dark hallway, I walked towards a small beam of light shining from a window, when I got to the light I could see the house perfectly, I was at the staircase. I walked down the stairs very slowly and searched around. I came across the kitchen, I could feel my stomach growl from hunger, so I ran over to the fridge and found a small piece of cake, I was so hungry I didn't even bother to check if it was okay to eat. I started biting into it, eventually I had eaten it all and I felt fine. I continued searching around the house, looking for a way out, I came across what looked like the front door, I ran over to it and tried to open it, but the door was locked on both sides... I tried all of the keys but none of them worked... I knew that there was no way I was getting out of there.

I started walking towards a small door at the side of the staircase, I opened the door slowly... It was the basement! I walked down the small staircase and found myself at the bottom of what I can only describe as... 'Hell'... There were hooks hanging from the walls and blood stains all over the concrete floor... I walked over to a large table, there were many different types of knives, guns and other weapons, as soon as I saw them, I knew there was hope. I knew that I could escape easily, but... I had unfinished business... Jake Prest! I still remembered my plan, and no matter how badly I wanted to get out of there, I had to carry it out, I had to make sure that no one would have to suffer like I did in the hands of Jake Prest...


Really hope y'all are enjoying it so far, like I've said in the past, I'm not the best at writing, but I do try my best.

The next few chapters are coming soon and boy will they be epic!

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