Chapter 7: Unraveling

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"Here put this on" Jake said in a gentle tone, he handed me a pair of black tracksuit pants and a grey singlet, "This should be more comfortable" He said... That's when I started getting even more confused. I was his prisoner, but he was treating me nicely... I always thought you were supposed to treat your prisoner like shit, not like a house guest...

"I'll turn around while you change..." He said while standing me up gently. I nodded and started undressing, "Finished?" He asked, "Yes..." I replied in a quiet voice. I wanted to thank him but something kept stopping me, I couldn't seem to convince myself to be kind to him, after what he had done to me, I mean he fucking kidnapped me! And now he thinks he can be nice and I'll forgive him!? 

He went down stairs, a few minutes later he came back with a sandwich and a glass of water. "I thought you might be hungry" He said, he sounded upset, like he was ashamed of what he had done. I still thought he deserved to be treated like shit though. He put the plate and the glass on the mattress in front of me and looked deeply into my eyes. I looked down at the food, 'what if it's poison?' I thought to myself while staring at the crust of the soft, white bread. My mouth started watering as I stared at it, "Do you want me to take a bite first?" Jake asked in a comforting tone, I nodded and he picked up the sandwich and took a bite, he swallowed his mouthful and said it was fine. So I decided to eat it, gosh I was so hungry, I really needed that. "Thank... You..." I replied in a quiet voice, I was so scared my voice wouldn't even work properly, it was like there was ball lodged in my throat. 

Jake sat back down, looking very upset... I decided to get up the courage and ask him what was wrong, I hated him but I also hated seeing him upset. "Is... Everything okay...?" I asked, "Have you ever done something so bad you couldn't forgive yourself?" He replied... I told him that we all do bad things, but if we can change that into a good thing or try to fix it then forgiving yourself wouldn't be so difficult. He showed little bit of a smile and came and sat next to me. 

"I'm such a bad person" He announced, "You're not a bad person, you just made a bad decision" I replied... He put his head on my shoulder and started to cry a little, that's when I started feeling bad, I couldn't imagine how he was feeling knowing he'd dome something to put another persons life in danger, that must have been an awful feeling... I felt so bad that something inside me pushed me to put my arms around him, I wrapped him up in my arms, "Why are you doing this to me Jake?" I asked while cuddling him. He didn't seem to want to talk about it, "I couldn't explain it even if I tried..." He answered. He stood up quickly "I can't get attached to you okay!" He shouted, I nodded my head and looked back at the wall with the writing on it, still wondering what it said...

The Kiss of Death (ON HOLD FOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now