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Person B of your OTP lends their sweater to Person A. When Person A is home, they realize they still have Person B's sweater and finds Person B's iPod. Out of curiosity, Person A looks through Person B's music and finds a playlist titled with Person A's name.


Walking back from their movie date, Dean had took Kaitlyn to see the Lego Movie as she had been bugging him to go with her to see it. He finally caved in and did so.

He however was slightly worried due to this being an animated film what seemed to be made for young children, but when they got there he saw adults lining up to watch the movie.

Thinking he wouldn't enjoy it, Dean had low expectations, but they soon were changed within twenty minutes of the film. Plus seeing Kaitlyn smile and laugh and sing along to the rather irritating but catchy 'Everything is Awesome!' song made his heart swell.

Overall it was a great movie.

Dean had given up his hoodie for Kaitlyn, seeing as she looked cold. Walking her to her apartment, the two parted ways with a kiss goodnight.

Collapsing onto the couch, Kaitlyn smiled at the night she shared with her special someone, as they referred to one another as.

Basking in her thoughts, her hands aimlessly went to rest in her pockets. Feeling her hand brush against something cold to the touch, Kaitlyn pulled it out, it was an iPod.

Dean's iPod in fact.

It then hit her that she had kept his hoodie, forgetting to give it back to him before she left him.

"Crap.", she muttered to herself. Sighing to herself she decided to leave it, knowing that she was seeing Dean tomorrow morning. She could give it him then, saves him making the trip back to hers.

Staring at the music device she held in her hand, Kaitlyn's curiosity got the best of her, making her ponder.

What kind of music did Dean listen to?

He didn't look like the type of guy who listens to mainstream stuff you hear daily.

If anything he looked like one of those guys who reveled in listening to old Nirvana and Foo Fighters.

Kaitlyn knew that he was fond of L7, since he had used their song Shitlist as his old theme when he was in CZW. Also from shared car rides together he often listened to Alice In Chains, but that's all she knew.

Plus that one time they went to a Fozzy concert, in support of Chris Jericho, he digged their music.

Sliding the screen to unlocked, Kaitlyn browsed into his music. I mean, just alittle look would hurt, right?

Her suspicions were right as she scrolled down through the albums. Discographys of Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Alice In Chains. Even some Metallica and Slayer.

Kaitlyn wasn't surprised.

Quickly shifting over to the playlists, there was only one.

It was named 'Kaitlyn.'

Curious minds like to wonder, Kaitlyn browsing through this so called playlist named after her. What was there seemed to take her by surprise.

Playing the first song, the acoustic intro beginning to the song of Wonder by Megan McCauley.

Next came a song from Maroon 5, one of Kaitlyn's favourite songs by them actually.

She Will Be Loved.

As she continued to listen down the list of songs in this playlist, from artists such as Jason Mraz and Bruno Mars amongst others.

This seemed so unlike Dean, yet so cute and insightful that maybe he has got a softer side to him than he already shows her.

It made her feel more in love with him than she already was.

Sitting there, she listened to every single song.

Every single word what was sang, her mind trying to think of a meaning behind each lyric and wondering if that was how Dean thought of it as.

Resting her head back, Kaitlyn closed her eyes and smiled as she listened to the final song as it neared its finish.

It's just a drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me

might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I

stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most

Cause you are my heaven.


Gah, I've killed myself with this cuteness. My heart is heavy with Kaitbrose feels.

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