Chapter 7 - No Interuptions

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*Blaze's P.o.v*

BEN and I were walking back to the house. He had an upset, thoughtful look on his face. It's honestly heart breaking. BEN is just staring at the ground or at his medium brown shoes, I don't know. Then a single blood tear slid down his face and hit the pavement.

"BEN? What's wrong?" No answer. "BEN, look at me." I said softly stopping in the middle on the street. No body was around so I guess that didn't matter. He sniffled and wiped his eyes then looked up. We were almost the same height, he was just a few inches taller, no major difference. He looked into my eyes, sadden, I looked back in his with a serious expression. "Now, please tell me what's wrong?!" I didn't demand I just said in a soft stern voice.

"Am I not good enough for anyone? I'm I not 'pretty' enough?" He asked me, tears filling his eyes. My face went soft, I frowned.

"Awe BEN. Of course you good enough and you most defiantly are pretty enough. Why would you ask such a thing?" I took his hands in mine.

"Well because ever since Jeff and I became friends I have always been compared to him. He was always more powerful. His techniques in training were always better than mine. He's better looking than me. They told me i should just follow in Jeff's foot prints. Even today they were proved right. That waitress flirted with Jeff and only Jeff she didn't even noticed me. It's like I wasn't there!" He let some tears fall. I lifted a hand to wipe them away then I rested my hand on his cheek.

"BEN do not, I reapted DO NOT let anyone make you think all those things are true because they aren't! You 2 are just as good as each other with what you guys do. You shouldn't follow in someone's foot prints, it will only teach you their way of living and you won't experiance knew things by yourself! That waitress only flirts with guys that have dark hair. I have no clue why but I have never seen her flirt with a blond guys, or someone with colourful hair, and I'm at Starbucks a lot. And lastly don't let anyone make you feel self concious about the way you look, you are fucking gorgeous the way you are so don't you dare change that!" Yes I stood in the middle of the street staring in BEN's gorgeous eyes while cupping his cheek as I made that speach.

"I..uh..I have n-no words apart from: Thank you so much Blaze I really appreciate it. Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before. Thank you." He had a huge smile on his face with baby pink coloured cheeks. Awe he's blushing.

"You're welcome BEN. Anytime." I smiled back. We continued to stare in each others eyes. He started to lean in, I did too. After a few seconds but what felt like minutes our lips connected. Bombs, explosions and fireworks all going off as we stood there kissing with all the passion we have. It's was like a fairytale moment, like we're the only 2 on this planet. It was magical and there was no interuptions.

- Brittany :3

Cross over love story( Jeff The Killer and Ben Drowned fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now