Chapter 9 - Stupid f***ing rain..

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BEN and I rushed home because it was now pouring down. As it got heavier we ran faster. I was freezing and soaked head to toe. BEN was too, his hands were bright red and his lips were blue.

We manged to get in before it started snowing or something. We looked out the window and saw the drains being flooded and spilling over. I felt BEN skake beside me. His breathing became heavy, and rapid. He squeezed my hand tight and fell to his knees, fear in his eyes. He clutched his chest and gasped for breath. FUCK MAN! He's having a panic attack. His grasped me hand with both of his as if he's going to die if he let's go.

"BEN! Take deep breaths slowly." I kneeled down infront of him. I don't know how to handle this! I put both hands on his face, he's still holding my right hand so its a bit hard, and made him look at me. "Focus on your breathing and listen to every word I say. We are going to be okay. The rain will stop very soon, it won't flood the streets, just the drains. We won't drown everything is going to be okay. I know it's hard for you and all but it has never rain so hard here that it causes deaths. Calm down alright." His breathing was getting slower with each word I said.

Eventually his breathing was normal again but he was still shaking. He collasped in my arms shaking and crying.

"I'm so sorry that you had to see and deal with that Blaze-Bear. I feel horrible now. I just really don't like heavy rain, floods, baths or pools. It's all to much for me and it causes panic attacks. It's pathetic I know. I've been told to suck it up and forget about it but I just can't." A whole new batch of tears fell down his pale cheeks.

"BEN, I completely understand why you wouldn't like them. It's fine to have panic attacks over that, it was a huge thing in your life. I'm pretty sure I would freak out if it happened to me. It's not pathetic at all. And BEN? Where did Blaze-Bear come from?" I giggled a the nickname he gave me.

"Oh..erm.. when I'm upset or crying, something like that, whoever is helping me or with me I come out with these strange nicknames that stick." He scratch the back of his neck.

"Alright. Well I think it's adorable, BENNY-Boo." I winked at him making him blush. His lips were still blue barley fading. He's still cold. "BEN you're still cold aren't you?" He nodded. "Your lips are blue, do you need help getting them back to there natural colour?" I asked innoccently.

"Most defiantly.." He breathed. BEN stood up then helped me up with him. I crashed my lips to his, feeling his cool lips pressed against mine sent shivers down my spine. He broke the kiss. "Jump." Was all he said.

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and continued kissing him. His tongue glided across my bottom lip, I opened my mouth a bit and our tongues wrestled for a bit. After a while I gave in and let him explore my mouth. He had one hand under one of my thighs and the other under my bum supporting me so I don't fall.

I felt him walk upstairs. We went into mine and Val's room, he walked us over to my side of the room, my back hut the wall. Through all of this we still hadn't broke our kiss. That is until the first t-shirt was off and that's when I knew for sure that I was reading to give up something so precious to me to the one I love. Tonight was going to be fun.

-Brittany xx sorry it took so long..

Cross over love story( Jeff The Killer and Ben Drowned fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now