Chapter 33 - graduation

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Read Authors note at the end for stuff about Luke!!


I placed a quick kiss on Darcie's cheek before she rushed off in her cheerleading clothes towards the changing rooms, while Grayson and I went into the large gym. Today Alex, Jack, Niomi, Katie and Lola are all graduating. Darcie's cheer team are opening up for the ceremony too, which is great! The boys all played their last school game of soccer last night, and it was quite emotional. As Grayson and I walked up the stairs of the bleachers everyone looked at us, some people gasping or even screaming our names. I guess we have a lot of supporters here now.

Being at this school again was weird. I mean I've been outside for soccer games or Dylan's basketball games, but we never get to go inside regularly. As soon as we reached the top row I saw Ethan, Olivia, Kendall, Cameron, Jake, Jayden, Amara, Blake, Ariel, Dylan, Hunter and Emily, Brandon, Ashley and Ashton. We quickly jogged over to them, being welcomed by a quick hug.
" I can't believe they're graduating today " Olivia sighed, looking out at the busy stadium.
I nodded, completely agreeing. This day came so fast.
" soon this will be Ashley and Brando " Ethan chuckled, pointing to the happy couple.
I laughed, scooting closer to Ashley and rubbing her belly gently. She's currently around 8 months pregnant, and looks as if she's about to pop. Ashley still looks gorgeous, of course.
" what if you pop while we're camping? " Dylan asked randomly, as Ashley laughed.
" I don think so... still another month unless she decides to come early " Brandon answered.
They found out the gender of the baby a while ago, and they were thrilled to find out that it's a girl. They have a few name ideas... like Carly, Taylor or Jasmine.
I looked up from where I was sitting, smiling at Jayden and Amara. Over the past seven months we've gotten to know Amara and her family really well. They're all lovely and I couldn't wish for someone more perfect for Jayden.
" so, is Amara coming camping with us? " Hunter asked, while tickling Emily on his lap.
Amara looked at Jayden, shaking he head no.
" what? You should come! " Jake clapped his hands, obviously excited about the idea of his brothers girlfriend coming along.
" yeah, we'd love for you to come... it'll be your first time there! " Kendall beamed, as Amara shrugged.
" I'd love to " Amara smiled happily.
" well we leave just after the ceremony tonight " Cameron told her.
" you'll love it, trust me " Blake said, patting her shoulder as he did so.
We're taking another camping trip together after they've graduated today... on the kids request of course. We wouldn't make them spend their first day of freedom camping if they didn't want too.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when music started blaring through the speakers, all of us jumping up and cheering. Jayden whistled loudly, as we all clapped our hands and chanted for Darcie. As if on cue, Darcie and her cheer team emerged, running to the centre of the gym and preparing for their performance. Darcie was given the role of captain of the cheer team, and she's doing amazing. She hasn't let this get in the way of her dancing though, and her and Niomi still visit the studio regularly. Darcie will never be that stereotypical mean cheerleader, she's nice to everyone. She knows how it feels to be mistreat, and I know that she wouldn't dare make someone go through what she did.

Her teem lined up, hands on their hips for the starting position. As soon as the next song came on they huddled up, Darcie in the middle as they lifted her up. She jumped up, doing a straddle jump in the air and landing into their arms perfectly. The crowd went crazy, as well as us. Now the team were cheering and doing different lifts / jumps, while Darcie and her friend Amber did some tumbling. They both did a standing back tuck, as well as another straddle jump. They all looked amazing.
As soon as their performance had finished we cheered wildly, proud of how great of a show Darcie and her friends had put on. We saw her rushing up the bleachers, joining us at the back as everyone gave her a warm hug.
" you did amazing, Darc " Grayson clapped, as she sat down beside Dylan, Jake, Jayden and Amara.
" you really did " I added, smiling wider than ever.
Before she could reply all of the music stopped, the principal walking towards his little podium to speak. He said a lot of stuff about how amazing these students have been throughout their years here, all of the untruthful and soppy stuff really. We listened though, awaiting the moment that all of our kids would step out in their gowns.

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