Chapter 4: A Twist In The Story

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"Hey who's that girl over there?" I ask David.

"Oh she's new, her and her sister are in my bio class this year."

"Oh... cool."

"Oh no bro no ok."


"You're in love I can see it in your eyes."

"Shut up."

"I'm not gona let it happen, you know they say that when someone falls in love they lose their best friend? No ok no I will not let that happen, I don't even care if she's 'the one', the person that's going to make you happier in life."

"Where did you even hear that."


"Well then I rest my case."

"Whatever bro, I just know that she's going to change things."

I was remembering the first time I saw Rosie. Thinking back, David was right, Rosie did change a lot of things. The more and more I talked to her, the more I grew comfortable with her.

I remember one time, before the parents knew we liked each other, we had a sleepover. Me and Rosie stayed up all night talking about the most random things. I let her into my world, told her my greatest fears and secrets and she did the same. We had already told each other that we liked each other, but after that night I realized that I was falling in love with her. I was scared because it was something I had never experienced, Rosie was the first person to actually like me back. She was the one worth loving.

About a month later, I told her how I felt. She looked shocked, but to my surprise she told me she loved me too. I should have kissed her right then and there but I was frozen.

I've had so many opportunities to do it, but I just never followed through. One day I even told her that I wanted to kiss her, but she felt that we were just moving too fast. And here we are now, we've been together for almost two years and still nothing.

When I was younger I used to tell my self that my first kiss would be with someone who I truly loved. Well that's definitely Rosie, now I'm just waiting for the right moment.

I know I should only think about the positives, but her moving is always on my mind, no matter what I do I can't shake it. It's like a darkness, slowly consuming me. Rosie is my light, but once she's gone I'll have nothing to fight my darkness, nothing to ensure me that things will be alright in the end. I honestly don't know how I'm going to react once she leaves. I guess I can just leave it to future Troy to figure out. Besides, I still have a month left with her, I'll do all my worrying then.

The best part of my week was just around the corner. I was seconds away from being reunited once again with Rosie as I turned the corner of my school. Spring was getting near as smell of the three blossoms filled the air. It was crazy to thing that just a week ago me and Rosie got drenched in the pouring rain. The weather had changed so much since then. The days were longer and hotter, you could feel the sun focussing all of its attention on your neck. It didn't matter though, nothing was going to mess up this moment for me.

"Hey Rosie," I say initiating the conversation.

She looks at me, but doesn't respond. You can see sadness in her eyes as she forces a smile.

"What's wrong?"

"I ummmm... We kind of need to talk." she finally responds.

"Ok? What is it?"

She opens her mouth but no words are coming out. She's getting me worried now.

"Ok Rosie please say something, you're freaking me out." I say, breaking the silence.

"The dates been moved up! They need my dad to start work next week... today is my last day at school."

"That's a joke."

"Troy, I'm not joking."

"Funny, can you please be serious now."

"Could you just listen!"

"There's nothing to listen to though."

"Why are you being like this!"

I snap. "Because I don't want to accept the fact that you're leaving! I can't lose you!"

"Do you really think this is easy for me?! Troy I hate that I have to move, I hate that I have to leave you!... You have no idea how much it's killing me inside... how many times I've cried over this." She puts her head down as a tear rolls down her cheek.

C'mon Troy say something, anything...

I place my hand gently on hers, she grabs it and rests her head on my shoulder. Our fingers intwine as I put my head on hers.

"...I'm sorry..." I whisper.

" too."

This is it, this is our last day together and I had to go screw it up. I'm still trying to put everything together in my head, realizing my situation.

"You know I had planed to bring a blanket and some sandwiches here so we could have a picnic out in the field on your last day."


"Yeah I even bought bread and everything."

"Haha you've always been quite the planner."

"You know me."

She lifts her head from my shoulder and reaches inside her pocket. She pulls out this folded piece of paper and hands it to me.

As I grab it, I ask, "What's this?"

"A note. Promise me you won't open it until after I've moved."

"I promise."

We go back to how we usually are, laughing at everything. After awhile I bring up the move again.

"I promise you Rosie, once I turn eighteen I'll look for you. I don't care where you are, I'll find you. When I do, I'm gonna ask you out on a date and there's nothing your parents will be able to do about it."

"Hahaha you're crazy."

"I'm serious." I say chuckling.

"I know." She whispers.

Before I know it, she leans in and kisses my cheek. I can feel myself instantly get red. I lift my hand and feel the spot that she kissed. My face is now numb from shock but I know I'm cheesing like an idiot. She laughs at my astonishment.

"Soo you just made me the happiest guy in the world."

"I've been wanting to do that for awhile."

"What's stopped you?"

"Nerves mostly."

Just then the bell rings which means we're ten minutes late for class. We don't say anything, we just look at each other. This bell will forever signify our good bye. We let go of each other's hand and get up from the benches. I look over at her to see that she's holding out her arms. I smile and reach in.

One thing u need to know about me is that I like hugs, especially the ones where u just don't wanna let go. That's what this hug is. At this moment we are eternal, nothing else matters. It's the longest, most special hug I'll ever have.

"I love you Rosie," I whisper, "nothing's ever going to change that."

"I love you too Troy."

We slowly pull away. She takes a step back, I do the same. Before you know it, we're already walking away from each other. I look back at her, only the find that she's already looking back at me.

So much for six hours. I realize I can't just walk away like this, this isn't the end, not yet...



Ok so we're down to the last chapter. Stay tuned to see what Troy is going to do.

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