Chapter 2

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               Chapter 2: School

As my brother pulled up to my school I could see the shocked faces looking on are direction.

mostly guys looking at how bad ass I am riding on a motor cycle with out screaming in terror (that's what most of the girls at my school do) and also the fact that my brother is only a year older than I am and a lot if the girls here say he is "hot" or whatever it made it look like from how much I was enjoying myself and scowling at the girls staring at him that I was dating him!!! Me dating my only BLOOD related brother the only sibling I actually cared about!!

~whistle~ "damn that chick is H-O-T!!" said a guy that was standing a little to close for me and my brothers comfort

"Hey you know some thing else that is really hot about her?" my brother said wile winking at me

"What?" the guy said staring at me and my brother with a very confused face

"that she is super strong too!"my brother said once again looking over at me I smiled really big knowing what he was getting at

"Oh really sugar show me what you got!!"

" Okay what ever you say handsome" I said coming very close to his face any closer and we would have been kissing so I worked my magic and when he leaned in to kiss my I took my now balled my fist and hit his chin from below sending him flying to the ground gasping for air me and my brother were laughing and high fiving by then his mouth started to bleed because of the impact of his teeth to his tounge he was spitting out blood and giving me looks like "DAMN she is stronger than a lion" and stuff like that it just made me laugh harder!! I felt no sympathy for him and almost turned around and kicked him in the balls when he grabbed my ass when I was walking away my brother just turned around and smacked him I complained that he got to have all the fun but then he pointed out that I did almost knock that guy out I found out what his name was his name was Morgan...


HEY GUYS, thanks for reading I know I said no update intill I got 1 comment and 1 vote but I had so many ideas that I couldn't go with out writing so ya find out what happens to Morgan next time!!!

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