Chapter 15

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Jennifer's POV

I just stood there in shock at my adopted brother I can't believe that my adopted parents were bank robbers I heard a knock at the door 'thats odd' I thought and it was because we weren't expecting anyone

"I'll get it" I said then ran towards the door with my vamp speed

"hello?"I asked slowly opening the door and what I saw before me was impossible "OMG OMG OMG!!! GABRIELLA IS THAT YOU?!??!?!" I screamed/asked as I ran up and hugged my little sis she was standing next to a very tall dark skinned man 'Damn who is this' I thought "wait who is this?!??!" I asked pointing a finger at the tall dark skinned man

"okay hold on jenny, yes it is me and this is Jacob he saved me from the crash.." she said then broke free from my grasp to go and hold his hand the man or Jacob sniffed the air then growled at me ME!!! I repeated then knew why he growled he is a wearwolf/shapeshifter I really don't know the difference but what ever and he smelled horrible I growled from inside my chest he was on MY territory and I wanted to make that pretty clear

"What are you doing here leach" he spat at me not leaving my gase

"I live here dog" I spat back he needed to know who was in charge around here I eat animals like him for breakfast

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE??!?!" gabby asked/yelled

"allow me to explain" K said from behind me if it wasn't for his being there I would have killed that dog!

"KILE!!!" Gabby yelled with excitement she let go of the mutts hand when she through her hands up in the air with excitement!!! I felt threatend

"GABBY!!" he yelled back then he came out from behind me and embraced her in a big hug it made me feel jealous but I quickly shook it off I she's my sister for peets sake its a miracle that she's even here

"kile!! let go you crushing my breathing parts!!" she whined

"okay, okay what ever you say gabbster!" he said to her letting her go and setting her down on the ground I now took this time to look back over at the mutt he was wear a t-shirt that was gray and the part that covered his shoulders went covered the T part to the T-shit was gone his right shoulder had a weird tatto on it it was a circle with a weird symbol in the middle he was also wearing ripped shorts that were a little to short he was pretty buff he had a visible 6-pack through that tight ripped T-shirt I looked at his face and his hair was really long he was scowling at me when I looked up at his tall frame (A/N lol I'm describing a pic of Taylor laghtner that's on a poster that I have g0d I love him) I quickly looked away not wanting to stare into those eyes again those big brown puppy dog eyes

"stop it! you know I hate it when y'all start calling me gabbster!!" Gabby said then playfully shoved kile

"well half pint do ya wanna know what was happening between sis and Jake or not?" kile asked that was another nick name for gabby half pint

"Yup" she said then ran inside the now fully opened door and plopped down on the couch making her self...back at home

"Do you want a doggie bed to sit on because we have one in the back" I said pointing toward the kitchen were there was a door that led to the garage and smiling widely at Jacob

"no I'm fine on the couch" he said but as soon as he was bout to sit down I used my vamp speed and sat down were he was about to "gosh get Ur butt out of my face sicko" I said with a smile

"what? the? wha? uh? wha?" was all he Could manage as he turned around and looked at me he then started tward the cushion at the other end of the couch and I'd did the exacte same thing when he was about yo sit down again "sorry no dogs on the couch" I said making a fake frowny face

"Jennifer eve love!" kile said sternely at me "He can sit on the couch if he wants to!!" he said and the voice he used scared me so I moved and let the mutt sit on the couch

"So what was that all about on the porch? and why do you keep calling Jacob a dog Jenny? and why did ya call my sister a leach jacob?" Gabby asked

"well little half pint..('wow a pint of blood would be great right now')... on the day of the crash our sister got changed into a vampire and..."Kile started but gabby cut him off

"Wait?! a vampir is this some kind of sick joke?!?" she asked

"No now just listen..." kile started again my gabby interrupted again

"I don't believe ya" gabby said so I stood up and flashed my fangs at her she screamed "OMG VAMPIRE!!! AHHHHHH" I put my hand over her mouth

"Gabby calm down yes I'm a vampire now I'm gonna remove my hand and your going to sit there like a good girl and listen to kile. Okay?" I asked she nodded her head yes then I pulled my hand from her mouth and then went back over to my side of the couch

"well and.... (A/N I don't want to explain so uh yh um he explained)....and I'm a human" kile finished

"Hey big boy can I have gabby back now?" the mutt asked my brother I had, had enough I threw my self as him cussing and punching like that was the last time I was gonna be able to hit someone kile eventually got me calmed me down enough to stop and pull me off him

Hey guys its me the person who writes the chaps and I wanted to say Thnx and also I'm srry that this chap sucked well its 5:46 am here right now and I'm tired so uh good night peoples!!!!




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