Chapter 3

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Me and my brother walked to class still laughing from our "incident" that happed a few minutes ago. Once my brother was done taking me to my class, I walked in and almost made the chair break when I came in and jumped on it. I was the first one there (like always) and I still had about five minutes before people started coming into class so I started to doodle. A few minutes of doodling later I didn't realize how long it had been because the class was full I looked down at what I was drawing and realized that it was of Morgan laying on the ground after I punched him. It had a lot of shading and detail  and I didn't realize that I was that good at drawing!!!! Everyone was trying to sit as far away from me as possible. I smiled with pleasure that the seat next to me was empty but that smile turned into a glare because guess who came and sat next to me?! No really, guess who it was. Morgan! Of all the people it was Morgan!!!! "You obviously didn't get the message before to stay away from me!!!"I said obviously annoyed. "Hey baby girl how u doin?" he asked, completely ignoring me "Wait, you don't need to answer that. I already know it's great because I'm here." He said all cocky. I almost smacked him right there. I would've if the teacher wasn't sitting at her desk. If she hadn't, he would have been dead by now...."Good morning class."

"Good morning Mrs. Even." We all said dreadfully.

"Well I am going to take roll when you hear your name say here, got it?" she said WAY to perky. "Adam" "here" bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla **is all I'm gonna write because I can't think of a whole class room of names** "Morgan" "Oh I'm definitely here Mrs.Even." Morgan's hand slid on to my leg when he said that I just moved it off smacking it in the process "Jennifer?" "Oh here sorry." I cried out. " I prefer Jenny though." I said in a soft voice. I hate the name Jennifer, I have always been Jenny. "Oh so my baby's name is Jenny huh? I like that." He said to me trying to be seductive. I almost puked in my mouth. I did gag but nothing came up. I then realized how hungry I was. I hadn't had anything to eat this morning, I was in too much of a hurry to eat anything. I grabbed my book bag and looked through it for my emergency granola bar. I found it and started eating. I was starving!!!

"So baby when you gonna come over to my house, we have been dating for awhile now and I would love it if u gave me a tre.." I cut him off. **raises hand**

"Yes Jenny?" Mrs. Even said with a smile. "Can I go to the bathroom please?"I said in my sweetest nicest voice possible wanting to be as far away from Morgan as possible "Well normally I don't let people go during class...(GET ON WITH IT LADY) but since you said please I will let you go but just this once!" **gets up and walks out** I was so relieved to be out of the room. Finally I was away from that creep but I was still starving. I found myself walking around the school looking for food. I broke into a locker and found a cupcake. "YEA" I said to myself. I quickly shut the locker then walked slowly back to class eating my cupcake by the time I made it to class the cupcake was gone. I went inside and when I did everyone looked up at me and laughed and they continued laughing. I couldn't figure out why and then I realized that there was still cupcake on my face. I quickly took my sleeve to my face and then glared at everyone who immedietly stoped laughing, they knew what I was capable of. The bell rung and I already had every thing packed up but every one else had lots of things out so I was the first one out. Morgan, even though he was spilling things everywhere on the floor, was trying to catch up to me. I power walked out as soon as I noticed that but he caught up. I sighed really big. "What do you want, Morgan?!" I said trying to be intimidating "Your body in my bed pressed up against mine." he replied with a smile "Okay that's it" I said with anger in my voice I punched him he fell backwards and onto the ground and just stayed there after a little after I decided that he was knocked out and then skipped to class only to knoke into a big, muscular, tall body...kile "why hello sister" he said with a huge grin oh no I knew what that ment "YOU GOT A GIRL FRIEND!!!!" I screamed at him he pulled me out into the parking lot to his motor cycle told me to put my helmet on and just like that we were ditching school he took me to my favorite place the hill that over looked are town we always came here after School I loved it here I always have and being here almost made me forget why I was mad at him or that I was mad at him at all I quickly recovered and then all at once my rage came back "WHO IS SHE WHAT'S HER NAME WHERE DOES SHE LIVE!?!?!?!?" it all raced out really fast "okay easy Jen you need to clam down I can't understand you now try to tell me again except slower" my brother always knew how to clam me his voice was so soothing and he called me Jen he always called me Jen it used to anoy me but it dosnt any more I have come to like it " okay" I said calmly "what is her name?"I said kinda excited but still a little mad "okay if I tell you, you can't get mad at me" he said with concern in his eyes 'oh no this is gonna be bad' I thought to myself "okay I won't get mad at you" I said calmly "and you can't get mad at her" he said 'oh no thus is gonna be REALLY bad' I thought "okay" I said " her name is Brittney, Brittney whole"he said very worried "WHAT?!?!? THAT TRADTOR!!!!" I screamed "CALM DOWN JENNIFER!!!" he yelled trying to calm me down "you know that she has had a crush on me for the longest time now" he said again that is true I did know that "but why did you say yes?!?!?" I asked very confused because as far as I knew he didn't like her like that, you must be confused let me fill you in Brittney is my best friend she has been my best friend since pre-school "I didn't say yes I asked her out" my brother said looking down ashamed "you did WHAT?!?!?!?" I screamed at him "you heard me I thought you wanted the best for me and her..I thought you loved us" he said now confident "I-I-I do but... don't make me do this!!! make me choice between my brother and friends happiness and..and.." I faded off I didn't want to finish because honestly I didn't know what else to say I through my helmet on the ground jumped off my brothers bike and started running down the narrow path the lead back to the city my brother got on his bike and chased me grabbing my helmet in the process I looked back and he was practicaly on me well the bike was...


hey guys hope u enjoyed srry it took me forever I would blame hw but I hardly get any lol so enjoy!!!

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