«First Birthday»

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Today is August 25th, the twins birthday and already I'm attached to them more then anyone could ever imagine. Now that they've grown a bit more it's easier to see that Chase and Willows hair has stayed from a bleach blonde rather being dark hair like their mothers, they both have Katniss' grey eyes though which people find quite odd but that's what makes our children special to us and I love their blonde hair and grey eyes. All of our family are coming today to celebrate their birthday, I recently got new tattoos on my side with Willows full name and her birthday, Chase's on my other side and then Katniss's is right where my heart would be, I thought it was time to do it and so I did do it, it's a reminder that I'm a father and husband to a beautiful woman and amazing children.

I lay in bed smirking as I watch my sexy wife change after our little heated sex session, as she puts on her bra she turns around, she's only got her white jean shorts on and walks over to me

"Stop staring" she smiles reaching for her phone and looking at the messages that she missed

"I can't when I have such a sexy wife" I reply getting out of bed, I go through my draws and put on some boxers

"I still can't believe that after all this time that I'm married and have two toddlers" she admits as I put on my favourite pair of jeans and a shirt

"Well believe it because it's true" I reply as she puts on her crop top

"Just to think it started when we met in that bar" she sighs, I pull her against me and begin to sway us side to side which she giggles

"When I danced with the lady in red. It was the best night of my life" I reply and dip her

"You've definitely improved your dance moves" she giggles making me chuckle

"That's not so nice. I'm actually a very good dancer, I make up the best moves" I defend

"Copying the moves from NSYNC isn't your dance moves" she tells me while she puts on her shoes

"I'm their secret member so technically...." I tell her but she just rolls her eyes, after putting on my shoes I walk into the twins nursery, Chase sits in his crib cheerfully playing where as Willow is still fast asleep, I reach in and rub my daughters back which makes her stir

"Wake up baby girl. It's your birthday" I coo, she wakes up but of course is cranky and starts crying, I pick her up which makes her stop and I go over and pick Chase up while skilfully holding Willow, I've mastered the skill on holding them both over time, it's a great skill to have, I walk downstairs and make sure to shut the baby gate where the stairs are

"There's my baby's!" Katniss smiles, taking Chase

"Mama!" He squeals, they both have said their first words, Willow said 'dada' and Chase said 'mama', Chase babbles on in baby talk to Katniss and Willow lays her head on my chest still tired but I put her in her high chair next to Chases while I make some breakfast for them

"Ready... watch this epic pancake flip" I say getting ready which makes Katniss step back

"If this fails your cleaning it" she replies walking over to the twins, I successfully flip the pancake and give Katniss a smirk to show how awesome I am at flipping pancakes

"Whatever, showoff. Don't forget who the boss is around here" she says with that sexy scowl that I love so much, I place the pancake with the others and turn off the stove, I walk over to her and pull her against my body

"You know how sexy that scowl looks..." I whisper in her ear

"Oh shut up. You think everything I do is sexy" she replies and I kiss her softly but this kiss is a long one

"Damn right I do" I smile giving her neck a small kiss before turning to prepare the twins pancakes, when they have their food Katniss and I sit at the table talking about the day that's ahead of us.


There's many people invited to the twins birthday which is why I'm still in the kitchen baking like a mad man for their birthday. Now to get the idea of how many people are coming it's pretty much Katniss' mom and dad, Prim, Liam with his wife Laura and their children Harry and Simon, my mom and dad, Rye and Belle with Sarah, George and Noah, Jay and Judy with little Riley, Marry and Adam, Chelsea, my uncle Haymitch of course with Effie, Danny, Charlie, Becca and Heather. That's not all because then we invited our close friends so that's Finnick and Annie with Flynn, John and Anna with Caroline and our recent but very close friends Madge and Thom. I know, that's a lot but everyone insisted for us to have a big party for their birthday and so that's what we're doing.

I finish everything just in time to help Katniss change the twins into more presentable clothes before everyone starts to arrive. While we wait, Katniss and I hold onto the twins hands as they walk with our support seeing as they're not quite walking yet but they're getting there

"I can't believe that they're actually already a year old... it's gone by too fast" Katniss admits as we sit on the floor playing with Willow and Chase

"I know... I've really loved having babies around. I love being a father" I smile

"And you're an amazing one too" Katniss adds kissing my cheek, I sigh happily as I continue to watch the twins play with each other as they babble on in baby gibberish but I feel myself in love with this family that I've been blessed with.

Everyone starts to slowly arrive till our backyard is filled with our close family and friends. Today is a beautiful summer day which we are all spending outside, the children and some adults in the gated pool while others sit on chairs under the patio or out in the sun. After I've finished helping Katniss set the food up outside, I grab a beer and join my brothers and brother in laws and Katniss's and my dad

"You're lucky that it's perfect today and have a pool" Rye says

"Not only that, I'm lucky that Katniss and I picked this house with such a huge backyard" I chuckle before sipping my cold beer

"So, is there any more that we should expect?" Jay suggests

"I don't know, maybe not until a little while. Having two at a time is really tiring" I admit but smile as I say it because no matter how tiring, frustrating and draining being a parent is, I wouldn't trade it for anything and I am grateful for everything that Katniss does for me but I do hope that we have more in the future.

Long time no see! Damn.... it's been a while. I'd like to apologise for my inactive ness, I've been having no inspiration when it comes to my books. My updates with some may be a little slow so pretty please guys bear with me during this time, that'll be much appreciated :))

Love you all and I hope you enjoyed this one xx

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