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_Seven Months Later_

I wake up and like usual feel Katniss under my arm, I smile seeing her sleeping, we've been extra busy this month we've been organising stylists, dresses, suits and finally the ceremony location, we had a lot of thinking and we were able to agree on the Beachside but not on the beach it's like a nice place up higher than the beach, it seems like a nice place to get married and Katniss and I are happy with our decision and the invites were sent out a month ago and now happily things are going to plan, Katniss and I will be married in a matter of five weeks and we've just got to finish styling the wedding cake which will be done today and then we're done. Katniss soon starts to stir and she turns over and her eyes flutter open and she smiles and I smile too

"Hey" she says in her morning voice

"Hey. How'd you sleep?" I ask

"Okay seeing as we were up till 3 in the morning" that's true, we were up planning all night long, she lays her head on my chest and twists the engagement ring on her finger

"Can you believe we'll be married in five weeks" she speaks up

"I know. But I'm glad we are getting married" I admit

"So am I. I'll finally be able to call you my husband" she says looking at me

"And I'll be able to call you my wife, every. Single. Day" I say kissing her neck

"You know our first year is going to be our hardest" she speaks up and I sigh

"I know baby but no matter what we'll get through it. As long as we're together and we communicate than we'll be okay" I explain and she sighs

"Mrs Katniss Mellark" she says

"I like the sound of it already" she states and I chuckle

"I like the sound since we met" I admit and she sits up her long hair in a high messy pony tail and she looks at me

"Be completely honest. What did you think of me when you saw me? What'd you like best?" She asks and I know the honest truth to this question

"Your eyes" I reply and she looks at me shocked

"Why so shocked?" I ask sitting up against the headboard and me crawls straddling my lap

"I just... I've never been complimented about anything other than my boobs or butt" she admits

"Well I don't care about any of that. I care about your smile, that shines my day. I care about your weird laugh, that makes me laugh. I care about your kind heart, that cares for everyone and most of all I care about your eyes, they remind me of the colour of the first car I ever got and loved, it reminds me of soft storms that are able to comfort you, when I look into your eyes... I fall in love all over again" I explain and she kisses me

"What about my lips?" She whispers on my lips

"They're soft *kiss*, pink *kiss* and perfect at kissing" and she kisses me again

"You're the best man I could ever ask for" she says and I smile

"You're the best woman I could ask for" I copy and she giggles kissing my cheek and gets off me and walks over to her draws stripping my shirt off her body revealing her black bra and she takes off her short PJ shorts revealing her black panties, dear lord save me, she puts on shorts and a shirt and looks at me rolling her eyes

"Maybe you wanna clean your drool up baby" she says taking her hair out and brushing it, I wipe my mouth and surly there's drool and she laughs a little

"Haha what is this make fun of fiancée day?" I say getting out of bed and she walks over after putting her hair in its usual braid

"I'd never make fun of you" she states tying her hair together

"Sounded like it" I smirk and she comes closer kissing me behind the ear, fuck sake, she knows my weak spots very well...

"Katniss," I pull her closer

"You are one amazing woman" I admit and she bites her lip and moves her mouth to my ear

"You're one amazing man a specially when it comes to sex" she replies and I chuckle kissing her cheek

"Only for you baby. I'm all yours, a specially when it comes to our alone time" I say and she giggles and we kiss


I knead the dough sighing, I feel bad cause tonight the Bakery has inspections and I have to cook/bake for thirty people and I won't be home till 11:50 at night leaving Katniss alone which sucks cause I want to be there and have dinner with her but our bakery has been quite not itself, our ovens are at least fifty years old and are making us loose customers, my office is in range for people to actually come in which is why if this inspection goes well I want to get the room above so my office can be there and the store room because so far everything is clamped up in the kitchen and fridge.

I take the bread out, smiling at the golden crust around it but I soon panic, they're all going to start arriving in two hours! I've still got three cakes to do, two more cases of bread along with a fruit salad and a normal salad! Luckily I've got workers, John, Ally, Lucy and Marc. John and I were able to get very very close and I'd say that he's one of my best friends now, my employees are all very hard workers which is why they get $20 an hour but sometimes if I see them slacking it'll go down all the way to $12 an hour.

"Now Peeta. We've all inspected your bakery and you've got all you need. Now, is there anything you want to upgrade?" Mr Denver says, the head of inspectors

"I was wondering if maybe we could have the room above us used for storage and maybe a lounge for people on brake and a place for my office" and he excuses himself and they all hurdle around and quiet mumbles are heard, after about a minute they brake away and Mr Denver takes his seat again

"Mr Mellark we are able to do that for you but to do so your bakery is to be closed as new things are to come and we will need to expand" he says

"Thank you but how are we earning our money?" I ask

"You all must help with the work and will be payed $10 an hour" he explains and I look to my workers who nod and I turn back and smile

"We will all help sir. Thank you" I say and he extends his hand and I take it and we shake

"You deserve it Mr Mellark. You are a great baker and a great man" and for the rest of the meeting we are drawing out a plan.


I unlock the door to the house and walk in shutting and locking the door and I put my keys on they key hook and walk upstairs after switching all the lights off that Katniss didn't do. I walk upstairs and open our bedroom door to find that she's left my bedside lamp on, I smile and strip till I'm in my boxers and I climb into bed and switch off my light putting my arm softly over Katniss and her body turns so that her head lays on my chest and I can hear her soft and quiet snores and I smile, what an amazing woman I have in my arms.

The thing that I always wonder is were we meant to be I mean I thought that when I first had sex with Delly but finding out about the baby thing and the cheating... I knew that she wasn't the one. I always thought that my life didn't have a purpose, that in my life I die alone and with no one but that was until Katniss and I first talked, first danced. I then knew that my purpose was Katniss, to take her out on dates, marry her and start a family with her, she's my purpose and she is the only woman I could ever think of sexually and not sexually, she's the perfect one for me and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world, I fall asleep with a smile on my face and my mind on Katniss.

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