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Jean took Scott inside to give him a tour of the School.
"Welcome To Charles Xavier's School For The Gifted" she recited as she lead him into the first part of the building.
"Here, we teach students how to control their mutation and build them into X-Men" she smiled
"X-men?" Scott asked
"Yes" Jean replied "'X'for the mutated X chromosomes in us" Jean was proud of how smart she was compared to the other students and wanted to show this to Scott.
"Watch this" she smiled as she took him by the wrist and ran through the corridors to the dinner hall.
"We getting food?" Scott asked
"No. Better" Jean grinned "just watch"
Scott did as he was told and waited for Jean to do something.
"You see that kid over there?" Jean asked, pointing to Logan. He was sat at a table flirting with a bunch of girls. Trying to impress them by cutting as much as he could with he claws. The girls found it very amusing.
"Seems like a douche" Scott sighed. This made Jean's heart drop. She loved Logan to pieces. He was like a brother to her. But she really wanted to impress Scott. So she agreed.
"Yeah... I guess"
"What were you gonna show me?"
Jean gulped. Scott didn't like Logan, so she had o do something. Fast.
Jean pressed two fingers against her temple and went into Logan's mind. She was careful not to hurt him but took control of his body.
I'm sorry she telepathically told him. Logan froze and then suddenly began climbing onto the lunch table. Logan stood there, surrounded by students. Jean immediately felt bad but could see that Scott was beginning to enjoy it. So, she made Logan pull out his claws and scream his loudest roar. The entire hall went silent as Logan bared his teeth as the girls. Jean could see as the girls cowardly huddled together.
Get out Logan told Jean
She was making his temper rise but she wanted to impress Scott who had a huge grin on his face as he watched the 'douche' make a fool of himself in front of everyone.
I'm sorry, Logan
Jean made Logan jump off of the table and approach another one of the lads who bullied Jean- Johnny Storm. Logan crept towards him, not breaking eye contact. Jean hated Johnny but never had the nerve to do anything. She made Logan raise his claws up towards Johnny and was about to make him slash Johnny across the face but was interrupted by another mind:
Jean! My office. Now!
Jean removed her fingers from her temple and watched as Hank walked into the cafeteria, ready to get Jean. She looked at Logan who had ran out of the window and escaped the humiliation that Jean had caused.
"That was AWESOME" Scott laughed. Jean gave a weak smile as she shuffled towards Hank who wasn't happy. And clearly, neither was the Professor.

As Jean went to knock on the Professor's door, she heard him call her in before her knuckle reached the blurred glass.
"Jean. What were you thinking!?" The Professor had scrunched his eyebrows together. He wasn't happy at all.
"I-I... I don't know"
"You do know Jean. Because I can see you do"
Jean looked at the Professor. She focuses so hard on him. But she couldn't get in. What does he see? She tried so hard to enter. But nothing happened.
"Then, if you know, why don't you fucking tell me?" Jean stood up and stormed out of the Professor's office. She slammed the door and turned to see Scott leaning against the wall. She had a smirk on his face as he looked Jean up and down. She didn't have to read his mind to see what he was thinking.
"You wanna control me?" He teased, still smirking.
Jean scoffed.
"I wish" she laughed "but you have a barricade in your mind. Didn't you hear Alex?"
"I know. I just wanna see you try" he smiled, walking towards her.
Jean could feel her heart about to pound out of her chest as she reversed backwards and bumped against the other wall in the hall way. Scott leant his arm in the wall as he smiled down at Jean. He was so close. Jean was scared to breathe.
"And, God, if you knew what I was thinking right now..." Scott threw his head back "...then we'd have a problem" he grinned. His grin was like the Cheshire Cat's. But more seductive. He took one of Jean's red locks between his fingers.
"Now," he started "how about we finish that tour" the wink that came with this was the thing that made Jean realise: she was madly in love with Scott.

50 Shades Of Jean GreyWhere stories live. Discover now