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Jean loved her school. The Professor had treated her like his own daughter. She had been here 10 years since the Phoenix had killed her parents when she was 7. Charles had been her only family since then. She had friends like Hank and Raven, but they weren't family. Not like Charles Xavier.
Jean was carrying her books down the dusty halls to her bedroom. She loved walking past everyone and knowing exactly what they were thinking. She knew who liked who. She knew where everyone and everything was. Her life was simple. Well, as long as Phoenix didn't show herself. But the Professor had given her medication to prevent that happening. Jean was too in all of her classes and understood everything. But this made everyone dislike her. They envied her powers and intelligence. They were jealous. Hank and Raven were a lot older than she was. They helped teach at the school. So did Havoc. Havoc was the one who helped everyone control their powers. Raven trained the students to be soldiers, but to fight for good in the world. Hank was a science teacher. Logan was the only boy in Jeans year who wasn't rude. But that was because people judged Logan too. They were all scared of him and what he could do. But Jean wasn't, she trusted him the most. He just had a temper.
As Jean set her books out on her desk, she heard a knock at the door.
'Come in' she telepathically told them.
The Professor rolled in and smiled.
"I see you're getting ahead of your studies" he laughed.
"I've gotta keep my grades up somehow." She said, jotting things down in her notebook. The Professor was the o my mind in the school that she couldn't control. She could send his messages and she could receive his. But she could never fully control him. Or read what he was going to say. That's why she was always nervous when he came to talk to her alone.
"Jean, we have a new student joining us" he began
"The same as we do every other month" Jean remarked.
"Yes, Jean. But this boy is different. He's more scared than the others. And I want you to help him"
"I can try, I guess" Jean replied. The Professor knew she would help. She would always do anything to help him out.
"Thank you, dear" he replied, rolling out of her room.
"Also, he's Havoc's younger brother"
Jean stopped. She had always heard stories of Havoc's brother. Jean had grown to love him, just from the stories.
"Havoc's brother?" She asked to no one in particular. She heard footsteps approach her room and turned to see Havoc stood at her door with a boy. The boy was the same age as she was and wearing a bandage over his eyes.
"Jean, this is-"
"Scott" Jean whispered. She looked right at him. As she slowly took a few steps forward, she tried to enter his mind. She did the same with everyone when they first met. But, she couldn't get in. Havoc watched as Jean placed her hands on Scott's temples. Once again, nothing.
"Uh... Hi?" Scott said, interrupting Jeans thoughts. She realised she had just approached a random boy and touched his head.
"S-sorry" she stumbled.
Havoc let out a chuckled.
"He had something barricading his mind. The Professor couldn't get through either." Havoc explained
"He's the same as me. Only, the lasers come out of his eyes. Hank thinks that's what's keeping you out"
Jean tilted Scott's head up and began to unwrap the bandage. Scott plunged backwards.
"No!" He blurted. He heard Jean make a startled noise.
"I-I... I don't want to hurt you" Scott apologised.
"It won't be long until he can take it off" Havoc said "Hank's making his some special glasses to deactivate the lasers. Then, Scott'll be able to control them"
Havoc left Scott with Jean and went back to teach his class.
Jean helped show Scott where her bed was so he could sit down.
"I can feel you smiling" he muttered
"Oh" Jean stopped
"No. It's nice" Scott said
"I've heard so much about you from Havoc" Jean giggled.
"Thanks a lot, Alex" Scott sighed.

After Jean had explained to Scott what he was going to be doing at the school and what his schedule was, Hank came in with a peculiar pair of glasses. He was in Beast form, but transformed back to normal so he didn't startle Scott.
Jean unwrapped the bandage and placed the glasses on Scott's face.
"Take me outside" Scott said "just incase"
Jean lead Scott onside and pointed him towards an open field.
"Ok" Jean gulped "open them"
Scott slowly opened his eyes and sighed with relief when he could see properly. He turned to face Jean and realised he was stood in front of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

50 Shades Of Jean GreyWhere stories live. Discover now