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It had been a couple of days since Jean had to stand in the freezing snow. And The Professor had told her that she would need to start Phase Two that afternoon. Jean pulled her red hair into a ponytail and put on a track suit. She had another half hour before she had to meet the Professor so she decided to go to the library and study.

Jean had pulled a physics book out of the antiquated collection and sat herself down at the squeaky desk.
She was part way through Hook's Law when she heard a faint 'psstt' sound. She looked around and saw two large brown eyes peer over a comic book from across the room.
Logan tapped his claws against the wood and motioned his head, telling her to go over to him. Jean rolled her eyes and out down her book.
What? She asked
"MIND GAMES!" Logan growled
It's a library. We HAVE to be silent
"Oh, yeah" Logan whispered "how are you feeling" she asked, referring to a couple of days ago.
She gave him a reassuring smile. Logan put his hand on her cheek and pulled her chair closer to his.
"How long till you have to see Charles again?"
"15 minutes" Jean whispered.
Logan let out a disappointed sigh.
"Can I see you afterwards?" He played with Jean's hair.
"Hmm... I dunno" Jean teased "I've got a lot of homework to do"
"Bullshit" Logan whispered as he brushed his lips against her cheek "you do all of it in class" he kissed her below her ear and Jean felt her body cover in goosebumps. She hadn't felt Logan's kisses in a while. She missed them.
"So that's why you were avoiding me" Jean whipped her head to see a tall boy leaning against the bookshelf.
"This is my competition" Scott threw his head back and let out a throaty laugh "I'm almost losing you to, what? A pussy... Cat"
Logan growled "Wolverine" he forced through gritted teeth. Jean watched as Logan's claws slowly slid out of his knuckles. Jean watched Scott's eyes widen behind his red glasses. She placed her hand on Logan's.
Don't. Not now.
Logan turned to her and let out a grunt. He pushed his chair back and stormed out of the library.
Jean gave Scott a dirty look and followed after Logan.
"Logan" she called. She caught up with him and wrapped her hand in his "are you OK?" Logan grunted and carried on walking. Jean could see he was upset.
"Yes" she said
"What" Logan stared at her
"I am free after I'm done with Charles" she gave a weak smile and Logan smiled back.
"I guess I'll see you then" he muttered as he trudged towards his room. Jean let out a loud sigh and made her way to Charles' office.

"You need to get a grip on her" Charles said "when she comes up, you have to force her down"
Jean was face to face with a large monster that was ramming its head against the bars of it's cage.
"To do that, you've gotta learn how to fight"
The bars rolled up and the monster galloped towards Jean.

By the time Jean got back to her room, she was covered in sweat and scratches. But the Professor had confirmed that she was able to fight enough to hold back Phoenix a bit more.
Jean got out of the shower and threw on some old clothes. She then left her room and made her way to Logan's.
She knocked her bruised knuckles on the door and waited for Logan to answer.
"What happened to you" he asked, shocked.
"Phase Two happened" Jean rolled her eyes and jumped onto Logan's bed.
"Ouch" Logan felt bad for her.
"Ugh" she sighed. She looked at Logan, pouting her lip. "Make it go away" she looked at him with big blue eyes. Logan laughed and walked over to his bed and crawled on top of Jean. He slowly pushed his lips against hers and kissed the agony away.
"Mmm" Jean moaned as Logan put his hands on her hips. Logan gruffed and continued to kiss Jean. She felt his big hand slide down her stomach and into jar trousers. She stopped kissing Logan and moaned in his ear as his fingers passed her underwear and rubbed her softly.
"Oh, Logan" she whispered softly. He was such a gentleman. Jean loved how he always made sure that she was OK with everything. But, now, she just wanted someone else to be in control. She needed Scott.
Logan kissed her with more passion as he rubbed her harder and Jean arched her back. Logan laughed when Jean moaned louder into his ear.

When Logan had finished with Jean, she told him she had to go and study in her room for their science test and he kissed he one last time as she left through his old door.
She lied to Logan. She hated that she did. But she needed Scott. She ran to her room and out on her sexiest clothes: A red crop top and tight black shorts. She crept to Scott's door and knocked as quiet as she could, careful not to wake the other students. After all, it had gotten late pretty fast. Scott opened the door with a big yawn and his jaw dropped when he saw Jean stood before him.
His pupils massively dilated and he had no words. He just stared.
"Are you gonna let me in?" Jean whispered. Scott couldn't talk, so he just nodded like an idiot. He got a good look of her ass as she walked past him and stood in the centre of his room.
"Are you just gonna stare at me? Or are you gonna take it while you can?" She winked at Scott and a huge grin crept across his face. He picked Jean up and she squealed as he threw her on to his bed.
Jean rolled on top of Scott and kissed him.
Suddenly, her mind crept into Logan's.

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