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Jean ran back to Charles' room and hammered on the door. The Professor rolled towards the door to let her in.
"Jean? Do you know what time it is?" He yawned. Jean looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 2:43in the morning.
"Sorry" she muttered " but I really need your help. I want to get stronger. I can't let her control me. Not again. Ever" The Professor rubbed his eye and rolled into his small kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. He then offered her a cup, but she declined it.
"Jean, do you know how much work that could take?" He took a sip from the posh glass.
"I don't care. I'm willing to try" she pleaded.
"I know you are. But, are you ready to try?" He looked up to her and she gulped. She didn't know if she was ready to fight the monster inside of her. She didn't even know if she was ready to face her properly. She swallowed back all doubts and nodded at the Professor. He sighed and called for Beast and Havoc.

It had just turned 3:15 am and Jean was stood in the cold field outside the School. Havoc had told her to stand out there without any warmth. She was wearing shorts and a vest top. The field was covered in snow. The wind was biting at her skin and she didn't understand the point of doing this. Havoc had told her that, because the Phoenix was the only available source of heat, she would be climbing through Jean's head, trying to get out. And, because Jean would be so cold, she would be willing to let her out. So, Jean had to try not to let her out. She had to learn to restrain herself from any temptations before she could learn anything more.
Jean began to shiver a lot and could fell the fire grow in her eyes. Jean was so cold and let the fire grow a little more.
"NO" she yelled. The storm inside of her was growing faster than the snow storm outside. The Phoenix inside of Jean was desperate to get out. Jean could feel her screaming inside.
Havoc and Beast watched Jean restrained from turning. She was struggling. But she was doing it.
After a couple of hours, the sunlight started to peer through the trees and Jean was still stood on the snow. She had stayed as Jean. But she was too cold to move. So Beast tried to pick her up and carry her but a murderous scream came from inside of her. She didn't want him to help. When Havoc went over, the scream was just as loud. The cold had made her unstable. But Jean was still in control. The fire in her eyes was dim still.
Beast and Havoc stared at Jean and couldn't think of what to do.
Logan came racing out of the school in his jeans and vest.
"Jean" he called. He could see that she was freezing and he ran up to her and lifted her up like a baby. He was so strong. His arms wrapped around her as Logan ran her back inside. Havoc and Beast trailed behind them, into the school.
Logan ran Jean through the corridors and barged into the school's hospital. He placed Jean on one of the beds and threw a couple of blankets over her. He could feel her warming up. But she was still as cold as ice. Beast and Havoc ran in.
"She'll be fine" the Professor reassured Logan as he calmly rolled in.
"She's just holding the Phoenix back" Logan lay on the bed next to Jean and held her tight, trying to warm her up faster.
Jean winced a little.
"It's ok, Jean. I've got you" he whispered as he pulled her closer. The Professor, Beast and Havoc left the room to let the pair rest.

Logan had drifted of with his head on Jean's shoulder. He woke up with a jolt and felt that Jean had warmed up a lot. He shook her to wake her up and, when she opened her eyes, he was relieved to only see the blue.
"How's she doing" the Professor asked. He was sat in the corner of the room. Clearly, he come to check up on them in the night and didn't want to leave them incase something happened.
Jean looked at Charles and smiled.
"I-I did it" she gasped.
She was full of pride and excitement.
"Don't get your hopes up yet Jean" The Professor warned "that was o my the first step"

50 Shades Of Jean GreyWhere stories live. Discover now