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Jean went back to her own room and changed her clothes. She put on a red jacket over a black top and some jeans. She needed to tell the Professor about Phoenix.
As Jean made her way to the Professor's office, she thought about what she was going to say to him. However, she still haven't decided by the time she had knocked on his door.
Enter, Jean
She pushed the old door open and slowly walked towards his desk.
"Charles," Jean only called him this when she needed to speak to a father rather than a leader.
"I know," Charles interrupted.
Jean burst into tears in the seat on the other side of the desk and Charles rolled around to comfort her.
"She's getting stronger" Jean sobbed.
"No" Charles said "you're getting weaker"
Jean looked up to Charles. She was shocked he said that, but knew that he was right. He always was.
"We just need to build you up again" Charles said as he wrapped his arms around the child and lay a kiss on her head.

This past week was the first time Jean had truly loved someone since her parents. She didn't even live Charles as much as she had lived her mum and dad. But, now, she had found Scott. And another side to Logan. And she had felt love again. She knew that it was this love that summoned Phoenix so Jean did her best I avoid both Scott and Logan for the next couple of weeks. And, once again, the fire in her eyes had stayed at a minimum.
Jean was doing pretty well at avoiding both Scott and Logan until that day.
Hea was making her way back to her bedroom between lessons so she could drop her books off. She had a free period but usually spent these moments studying in the library. As Jean mentally turned the handle on the door, she went towards her desk to put the books down. She then looked into the mirror that hung just above the desk to check the fire in her eyes. She started into the mirror and her eyes flickered to the reflection of her bed and she jumped as she saw a figure lay on it's side, staring at her.
"You look perfect. Don't worry"
Jean sighed. Scott. She rolled her eyes and turned to face him.
He was wearing a tight blue top that defined his body and grey skinny jeans.
"You've been avoiding me" he said. Jean thought she could hear some pain in his voice.
"I told you, I'm a monster" she whispered, not looking him in the eyes. She couldn't bare to see him upset.
"And, I told you, I trust you" he replied, standing up off of the bed.
"I won't let her take you" he whispered as he approached her. Jean didn't want him to get too close but couldn't bring herself to stop him.
Scott was facing Jean and he put his warm hands on her shoulders and rubbed up and down her arm. Jean had a long scar on her arm from when she tried to stop the Phoenix as a child and ended up stabbing herself. That was when the Phoenix became a full part of Jean.
Scott looked at the scar and the traced it with his thumb. Jean loved being in his grip. She never wanted to leave. But she could feel that live bubbling up again and pushed him away.
"I'm a monster" she said as she opened the door with her mind. Scott stared at her. Jean looked at the door, as if to tell him to leave. Scott placed his hand on her shoulder and she shook it off.
"Scott, I don't wanna hurt you" she cried.
"Please. Just go" Jean could feel the fire inside of her grow.
"No. Jean. You have to let me help you"
Scott put his hand on Jean again and Jean whipped her head around towards him. The fire was nearly over powering her again.
"GET OUT" Jean screamed. With that, Scott headed for the door. He placed his hand on the door frame as he was half way out. He turned to Jean and looked in what was left of her in those ferocious eyes.
"I won't let her take you" Scott promised, as he pulled the door shut and Jean heard his footsteps travel further into the distance.
Jean fell into a heap in the floor and erupted into tears.
"Why?" She cried to the ceiling. She was a hopeless wreck. There was no freedom left in her.
"WHYYYYY" she screamed. She realised that she had pressed her hand into the wooden floor and burned away some of the wood. She jumped up and stepped on the flames to put them out. She then grabbed her towel and jumped into a cold shower. She needed to cool down. And she needed to become stronger.

50 Shades Of Jean GreyWhere stories live. Discover now