Dream Team Connection

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Chapter 3
Dream plain
"Here again?" Sonic said.
"Huh? Sonic? " Blaze said.
"Blaze, is that you, or are you that figure that looks like Blaze? " Sonic asked.
"I should be asking you the same, and you also see a figure? " Blaze told him.
"Wait, you see a figure that looks like me?" Sonic asked.
"Talk about vice versa."
"Yeah, Blaze?"
"Can I be honest with you? "
"Of course you can, Blaze. You can tell me anything. "
"I want to be in your world, and I'll do anything to be there."
"What about the Sol Emeralds? "
"Nega is gone. I banished him to an endless void with no chance of escape, so really there is no threat for them. Plus my sisters have learned of your world's origin, so they would love to come see it, and most likely Marine would like to come. "
"Oh yeah, she would. How is she?"
"She's changed a lot!"
The plain began to glow white.
"We must be waking up, Blaze. I will get Tails to hopefully make an invention that can get you here!" Sonic told her.
"I'll be waiting! " Blaze smiled.
The 2 lost sight of each other as all went white!

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