Chapter 25

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Once the whole ordeal with the demon had passed, a couple days later, Zak was free and clear to go home. Zak and Ruka left the hospital hand-in-hand and headed to the RV. They were going to fly home while the guys drove, so that they could give Zak and Ruka some time to get settled. On the ride to the airport, Zak asked Ruka some questions.
"Ruka, everything you said to me in the hospital......Was all that true?" Zak asked. He wanted to be sure that he was making the right choice. He wanted keep her forever but he had be sure she was the right one.
Ruka sighed, hesitatingly. "Yes, it was. I had really held onto that for years. It was so nerve-racking not knowing if it was ever going to happen." Ruka explained. Zak just looked at her as she looked down at the floor. He just couldn't believe that there had been someone out there waiting for him as long as she had. He opened his mouth to say something but Ruka stopped him.
"Zak, you gotta understand something. It didn't matter when you came into my life, if you ever did at all. I was willing to drop everything, drop anyone I had been dating, for my chance to be with you. You are the man of my dreams and I mean that in every way possible. Literally, spiritually, physically, everything." Ruka told him as she looked at the floor again. Zak stopped in his tracks. No woman had ever told him that before. He didn't know what to say. He just sat there, staring at her, in shock. When he finally found his breath, he told her, "Ruka, I can't believe all that. It's's mind-boggling!"

"Why?" Ruka asked.
"Well, no one has ever said that to me before. I never thought there was a woman out there that thought about me that way." Zak explained.
"Well, I kept trying to tell you, you couldn't find or even keep a girlfriend because you hadn't found the right girl yet. You hadn't met me yet." Ruka pointed out.
"No girl ever wanted to stay with me because they were always attacked when they came over. Now I realize that none of them ever knew how to really handle themselves the way you do." Zak told her, taking her hand in his. Ruka nodded.
"I knew that and I've known it for years. I tried to tell you over and over again but you never listened. You just seemed to ignore me, thinking I was just some wacko fan who didn't know what she was talking about. It hurt me to have you ignore like I was an ignorant, crazy fan." Ruka explained. "I would lay in bed at night, putting my mind into an unwanted, sad, depressing state, just telling myself that it was pointless to keep trying to tell you these thing if you were never going to listen. But every morning, I would see a tweet from you or see a picture of you and it would snap me out of it. That was all it ever took. I kept trying, for years, to put you out of mind and just give up on my stupid, fangirl dream but seeing a picture of you brought you back. Something always kept telling me to never give up and to never let go, that one day my fangirl dream would come true." Ruka finished as she hung her head again, and tears began to roll down her cheeks. It felt so good to let that all out. To just bare it all for him, was like a weight being lifted off her shoulders.

Zak just sat back down, completely awestruck, not knowing what to say. Aaron walked over to her and hugged her. Tears still rolling down her cheeks, she excused herself to the bathroom. Aaron sat down next to Zak.
"Dude, I know that was a lot to hear all at once but you have no idea how long she has been holding onto to that. It was time for you to hear it all." Aaron explained.
Zak looked at him, still shocked. "Do you know how long she's been holding onto to all that?" he asked. Aaron nodded and held up both hands. Zak's eyes widen more.
"10 YEARS?? She's been waiting for me for 10 years??" Zak exclaimed. Aaron nodded again. Zak could not believe it. The fact that there was one woman that had been waiting for him all this time was, honestly a lot to handle. He felt guilty. She was right, he had chosen to ignore her. Not because he thought that she was some crazy fan but because he was afraid she was right all those times she tried to tell him. He was afraid to feel that connection, not knowing how strong it would be. Zak got up, walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. Ruka sniffled inside and called out, "Who is it?"

"Ruka, it's me. Can I come in and talk to you?" Zak asked. The door unlocked and opened, revealing a red-eyed Ruka. Zak felt awful but he had to tell her the truth. Ruka sniffled again and sat down on the counter.
"Ruka, you were right." Zak told her as he sat down on the toilet lid. Ruka looked at him questioningly. "About what you said about me ignoring you. I did ignore you and I am sorry. But you have to know, it wasn't because I thought you were some crazed fan who would turn out to be some kind of a stalker. It was because I was scared, afraid that you were right. I was afraid of the connection, of how strong it may have been. I was scared by you because you were so beautiful. Ruka, I'm sorry I made you wait so long for me. I know now that I had nothing to be afraid of, because the connection you and I have is strong and I knew it from the moment I met you." Zak explained. Ruka sighed. She hated to see him like that. She knew he felt guilty just by the tone in his voice. She didn't know what to say to him, so she got down and walked to the bedroom in the back of the RV, then shut the door. Zak sighed and closed the bathroom door. Aaron, Billy and Jay all looked at each other and just shrugged their shoulders.

Everything that has been said by Ruka in this chapter, is all true. I have been waiting for Zak for 10 years now. I lay in bed every night second-guessing myself on why I am holding onto to the stupid fangirl dream, thinking that may never come true. Every time I think I am over it, I see his face and I know I'm not. Something keeps telling me to not let go. I know what I am doing is stupid and probably pointless but I can't seem to let it go and believe me, I have tried. Don't feel bad for the poor, deranged woman who writes this crazy fangirl fanfiction story, she's just crazy. Anyway, hope you are enjoying the story so far and thanks for sticking with me! I'll get the good stuff soon enough.

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