Chapter 26

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Ruka laid there on the bed. She knew that she had been right all those times she tried to tell him. But to hear him say he was sorry for ignoring her, it hurt but it made her happy as well. She liked to hear him say he was sorry for ignoring her, but it hurt to hear him admit he actually did ignore her. She knew he had ignored her but it never strayed her feelings for him although it probably should have. Ruka closed her eyes and thought about Zak, as she always did when she was happy. 

Zak came out of the bathroom and sat down next to Aaron. Aaron just patted Zak's back.
"You alright, man?" Aaron asked. 
Zak nodded and replied, "Yeah, I'll be fine. It just blows my mind that she had been right all those times and I just ignored her. I feel so awful. I mean, I said I was sorry and that I felt bad but I still feel guilty. What do I do now?" Zak asked, looking at Aaron.
"You got to find a way to make it up to her, is all." Aaron answered. Zak nodded, agreeing with Aaron. Although Zak didn't know how he should make it to her, he knew he had to do something. He got up and walked to the bedroom. He opened the door quietly, not knowing if Ruka was asleep or not. Seeing she was asleep, he laid down next to her, putting his arm around her and fell asleep with her.

A few hours later, Zak woke up to the sound of someone knocking. He got up carefully, not wanting to disturb the still sleeping Ruka. He opened the door to find Billy standing there. 
"We are at the airport, Zak." Billy told him. Zak nodded and turned to wake Ruka, only to find she was sitting up, looking at him. He held his hand out to her and said, "You ready to go?" Ruka nodded and took his hand. They picked up their bags and walked into the airport. They checked Zak's bag and headed to the gate. Half an hour later, they were on the plane, waiting to take off. Ruka put her head on Zak's chest and went back to sleep. Zak looked down at her and kissed the top of her head. Zak put his arm around her and looked at the window as they were taking off. He decided to text the guys to see if they knew how he could make it up to Ruka.
Zak: I need your guys' help again. 
Billy: What's up, dude?
Aaron: Is this about how you are going to make it up to Ruka for ignoring her when she tried to tell you that she was the one for you?
Zak: Yes, it is.
Jay: Whoa, dude. You ignored a woman when she tried to tell you that?
Zak: Yeah I did. Honestly, I was afraid she was right. I was more scared to be in love with her because I thought she was this crazed fan. 
Billy: Fan or not, Zak, she knew from the moment she saw you she liked you. Can't you say the same about her?
Zak: Yeah, and I did tell her that. Do you guys think I was wrong for ignoring her?
Jay: In a way, yes. You never ignore a woman, regardless if you think she's crazy. But, I can see why you would because you have had problems with crazy fans in the past.
Billy: Exactly. But she knew she loved you years ago.
Ruka woke up and looked over at his phone. "He's right, Zak. I knew from the time I was 18 that I loved you. I also knew that it would only get stronger as I got older and even more so when I met you." Ruka told him. Zak sighed. 
Zak: Ruka just told me that she knew that her love for me would get stronger when we met. So now I feel even more guilty. I need to make it up to her somehow and I have no idea how. 
Aaron: You'll think of something, Zak. You always do. For now, just get her home and have fun ;) 
Billy: Yeah, Zak. Go have fun with her. You deserve it. 
Jay: Yeah, go Zak!  Zak laughed. He knew then what he needed to do. Their one year anniversary was coming up so he knew exactly what to do to make it up to her. He looked over to see Ruka was on her phone playing games with her headphones in. So he proceeded to tell the guys all about his plan for their anniversary. 

Ruka looked over at Zak and he was furiously texting away. She just shrugged her shoulders and went back to her game. Before she knew it, Zak was nudging her to get off the plane. She looked out the window. 
"Where are we, Zak?" Ruka asked.
"We have a layover in Dallas." Zak told her, leading her off the plane and into the terminal. Ruka nodded and followed Zak to their next gate. 15 mins later, they were on the next plane headed to Las Vegas. Ruka sat next to the window this time and Zak was next to her. She put in her headphones and closed her eyes. Zak looked over at her and saw she was asleep. He smiled. He couldn't wait for them to get home so he could show her off to his family. They couldn't wait to meet her. Zak laid back in his seat and put on his music too. 

Zak opened his eyes a couple hours later and could see the strip from outside the window. So he nudged Ruka and she looked out the window. She gasped. 
"Oh wow, it's so beautiful at night from up here." Ruka breathlessly exclaimed. 
"Yes it is. Ruka, I want you to meet my family tonight. They have asked if we could come over for dinner." Zak told her.
"I would love that, Zak. That would be really nice." Ruka replied, nodding. Zak smiled. Once they had landed, they got off the plane and headed out to go to his mom's house. When Ruka saw his car, she practically fell over. It was the Aston Martin. She loved it. They hopped in and drove off to meet Zak's family. 

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