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I'm lost.

Not gonna lie but maybe it was a bad idea to take a shortcut because now I don't even know where I am.

My phone died on me so I couldn't use google maps so I had to use an actual map like the old fashion way that I found at the bottom of my backpack. Don't ask why it was there because the answer will be I have no idea.

I examined it and looked around where I could possibly be.

There were no people so I was completely lost and couldn't ask for help.

I looked back at the map and mentally hit myself with it.

Oops, I've been reading it upside down...

I turned it the right way and tried to read it again. Now I regret not paying attention in geography class when the teacher was teaching us how to read maps.

I groaned and looked around again but my eyes landed on a figure on the other side of the small clear area looking back at me.

Finally, a human being thank god!

"Hello? Excuse me but would you mind point me the right direction towards the train station?" I asked as politely as I could when I started walking towards him. I was going away on a small trip and I'm never coming back to this hell hole ever again.

Long story short, my bastard of a father sold my beautiful hand in marriage to my crazy ex-boyfriend.

I'm so thankful that I overheard the conversation because I would still be at home locked up in my room.

Probably complaining why the wifi isn't working.

I stopped walking as soon as I saw the guy eye raping me with a smirk.

"Nevermind, I found it, thanks anyway," I said as I raised my map to make it more believable that I actually found the directions.

I turned around and decided to go back to where I came from because seeing that man must have crept the daylights out of me but as soon as I took one step, I heard a loud growl and I froze in my spot.

I slowly turned around praying it wasn't a dog. I strongly dislike dogs ever since that one time a dog attacked me, digging its claws into my thigh, I can't help but run the opposite direction when I see one.

It looked a bit too big to be a dog but then the police confirmed that it actually was a dog.

Just a big bad dog.

But the thing that creeped me out was that usually dogs attack with reason, or don't attack at all, but that one just came at me from nowhere. I was just walking to the park at night and the next thing I know I'm freaking out with a dog bite on my thigh and fainting at the sight of blood.

Or was it the loss of blood?

Thank god I was found before it was too late.

I never found out who the stranger that bought me to the hospital was, so I wasn't able to thank him.

I returned my attention to the guy who was still staring at me with a smirk as I looked around for any signs of dogs.

Did the guy make the noise?

I was too creeped out so I fake smiled and continued walking. Soon I started hearing footsteps which caused me to walk faster as my heart beat increased.

I heard another growl behind me but this time I didn't turn back. I could feel the panic attack creeping out so I started to jog.

Something grabbed me by my shoulder causing me to let out a scream as I fell backward.

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