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Declan P.O.V

I let go of the girl when I felt the sudden pain in my arm. My sister dropped on the floor to help the girl who was lying there without any movement.

"What the fuck Declan? Get the pack doctor, she's not breathing!" She yelled and immediately I was mind linking the pack doctor.

My anger got out of control and now I think my mate is dead.

I growled and pulled on my hair.

"You have to give her CPR," My sister said and I looked at her confused.

"Mouth to mouth? You know blow air into her mouth and press in the middle?" She asked and I had no clue what she was talking about.

"Kneel down, open her mouth and blow air in it," She said and I did as she said. As soon as my lips touched hers it was like fireworks exploded inside me. I pulled away to see if it worked. Kelsey was now pressing on her chest.

"She's breathing lightly. Do it again," She said and I did. The pack doctor soon ran in, holding a box with him. He took out a needle and I growled at him, not wanting him to hurt my mate. Kelsey pulled me out of the room because she knew I would go into protection mode.

"She's a fucking human, Declan, what were you thinking? One snap and boom, she's dead! You're lucky I ran in to stop you otherwise you would be mateless now," She yelled and I refused to look her in the eyes.

She's right.

Now that word got out that the girl is my mate, I have no other choice but to keep her around me, safe at all times or reject her.

Bella P.O.V

I opened my eyes and the sudden light caused me to close my eyes. All the memories of what happened started to freak me out.

Am I in heaven? Am I dead?

I was about to call out to Jesus but the sudden pain in my throat stopped me.

I soon found myself coughing so I sat up and that's when an unknown noise started beeping. I looked around the room and realized I was in a hospital bed with a heart monitor by my side.

The door flew open and a doctor walked in.

"Glad you are awake, how are you feeling?" He asked and I opened my mouth to speak but closed it after nothing came out. I lifted my hand and showed him thumbs down. He chuckled and handed me a cup of water.

"Drink it all if you want to get better," He said and I started drinking it. As soon as it touched my tongue, I felt like I was going to choke. It tasted nothing like water and it was a bit painful swallowing it.

Thanks for damaging my throat freaking hot guy!

The door flew open and the girl from earlier came in, followed by the hot guy. I immediately felt my heart rate increase.

Is he here to kill me?

Maybe this time cut off my fingers one by one?

Or snap my throat? Again.

I heard the heart monitor beeping louder and the doctor rushed to the hot guy, oh sorry my bad, Declan, telling him to get out.

The girl walked towards me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay, none is going to hurt you," She said with a warm smile.

I find it hard to believe it...

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