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I got up early this morning, taking a long shower and getting ready for the day. Celebrating the two year death anniversary of my mother was painful. It felt as if she just left the world yesterday and not two years ago. I was getting ready to go to her grave, and Stacy and Declan were going to accompany me.

I wasn't worried about bumping into my dad anytime soon because he never shows up. I've asked him to come with me last year since he missed her funeral but he just scoffed and locked himself up in his room, watching TV and getting drunk. I knew that he loved her, but not showing up to her funeral really hurt me too. There were a lot of people since my mother was quite popular within the community, her sweet smile and her kind eyes always attracted friendly people. I didn't have any doubts that some of them will come to visit her today. She didn't have anyone else except me and dad. But I guess my dad was just too heartbroken to leave the house on this day, or any other day of her anniversary.

I didn't blame him, I didn't want to step outside too. I felt like crying the entire day and eating ice cream. My mother was my best friend, and the best person in the whole entire world. I'd give up everything to just have at least five more minutes with her. A soft knock interrupted my train of thought.

"You ready?" The door creaked open, Stacy pocked her head out with a small smile.

"Yeah," I said getting up from my bed. She grabbed me and gave me a tight hug.

"Alright let's go," she said pulling me along with her. She knew better than anyone that I didn't want to go, last year she had to drag me there. In a way, I felt guilty that my mom died. If only I hadn't tripped over and stopped to tie my shoelaces, then we'd be up there together.

Declan was waiting for us outside, he had a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Here...for your mom," he said, extending his hand and giving me the flowers.

"Thank you," I said smiling at him.

The drive there was quiet, I didn't have the energy to talk since I could barely sleep last night. We got there in twenty minutes, which for some reason felt like five. Stacy took my hand, and we all walked there together. I noticed that although there was no one at her grave, she already had fresh flowers there.

"Guess I'm not the first one this year," I said out loud, smiling weakly to myself.

"What do you expect, she is the most popular woman in town, after all," Stacy said and we laughed softly. My mom considered Stacy as my sister and her own daughter. She'd always say how she wanted more children and how I was too boring for her. It was our inside joke when Stacy would come over, she'd rush to greet her and give her hugs, saying 'my favorite daughter' to make me jealous. Did it work? Nope, I knew I was her favorite.

We sat down next in front of her gate, talked for a while and paid our respects. We weren't the only ones who came to say hello, some of my mom's friends and colleagues came and that's when we decided to go.

"It wasn't her time, she was still so young," I said, teary-eyed.

"I know," Stacy replied. My eyes felt sore from crying last night so I quickly dried my tears and smiled. I mumbled a goodbye before we walked away towards the car. She wouldn't want me to cry, but to smile at my memories with her. Someone called my name, and I turned around, confused for a split second as I watched the figure jogging towards me.

"Bella, I knew I'd find you here,"

- - -
Who do you think that is? *insert evil laughter*

I decided upon an update schedule, 1 chapter every two days and my chapters are getting gradually longer. I've also made an outline for the future chapters which will shock y'all.

Anyway so I did some sketches of our Bella, just sketches lol, and some scenes from the book, hope you enjoy!!

Anyway so I did some sketches of our Bella, just sketches lol, and some scenes from the book, hope you enjoy!!

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Lol, that was fun to draw

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Lol, that was fun to draw. As you can see, I can't draw hands to save my life!! If you want you can follow my art page on Instagram: artsyvx comment or message that you are from wattpad and I'll follow you back >.<

Have a lovely day!!

xx writer

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