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I froze in the spot while Stacy just looked confused. I was starting to get bad vibes of him so I tried to quickly think of something to get us out of this situation. Maybe I was starting to regret sneaking out of Stacy's house without Marcel's consent.

"Have you two lovely ladies seen Declan?" He asked, his face expression is still pain and boring.

"Ahh..nope, we don't know any Declans around here," I said quickly, grabbing Stacy's arm and pulling her towards the other direction while we fast walked.

"Isn't Declan your boyfriend?" Stacy whispered in my ear and I almost face palmed myself. I just hoped the guy behind us wasn't who I thought he was and I prayed that he didn't hear us. I took a peak behind us noticing that he was gone. I let out a sigh of relief until we came to a stop. I turned around, wondering why we stopped until I saw the same guy standing in front of us much closer now. His face was turned into a devilish smirk.

"Declan's girlfriend?" He asked Stacy, pointing at me. Stacy was shocked at how he was able to hear her, clearly not aware that he is a werewolf.

"Damn I guess the gods are on my side today, how hard could it be to kill a human?" He said, extending his hand in front of himself, flashing some sharp claws.

"Damn, this boy needs a manicure," Stacy whispered to me, who was shaking uncontrollably. I didn't know how she was able to joke around in such a life threatening situation.

"Stacy run," I said, a plan in mind. She looked at me with uncertainty until I gave her a slight push. The guy was slightly confused at what we were doing until I decided to throw the groceries at him and running after Stacy.

"Play time is over," he yelled angrily and got down on all fours. He was eyeing us like chickens, running around and yelling with panic. My eyes widened on what he was about to do and for the first time, I wished that Declan would have prevented me from leaving the house. When I turned back again, the guy was gone. I looked back at horror but in time I managed to pull Stacy on the ground by falling on her and dodging the attack from the wolf.

"Holy shit," Stacy yelled out, panicking and tears building up in the corner of her eyes. I hugged her tightly but she was too paralyzed to even hug me back. The wolf started running at us and I realized that I've never seen anything scarier in my life. It beat all the horror movies that I've been forced to watch over the years. I closed my eyes, finally ready to be killed by this dark brown wolf.

Goodbye Declan.

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