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I froze in my seat as I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and put on my best smile I could pull off.

"Ah, Declan what's good? It's about damn time you got your little werewolf ass here," I said but his face remained dark and serious. 

"How was your day...?" I tried again. This time his eyes moved passed me to Marcel. I could see his orbs changing color into a dark and more dangerous color. The aura around the room stiffened and darkened and I knew immediately what was going to go down.

"I gave you one job-"

"Declan calm your tits, I'm perfectly fine and unharmed," I said getting up from my seat and standing in front of him, to block his sight from Marcel.

"Let's go have a talk outside," I said, walking towards the door yet he didn't even move a muscle. I went back and pulled him by his arm but he didn't even budge. It was clear that this boy was made of steel.

"Hey, wolf boy, look at me," I snapped my fingers in front of him to gain his attention. He growled at me, making my breath hitch. I was sure that after what I've witnessed today, I was beginning to get more scared of werewolves or dogs in general. 

"C-Come outside," I said, shifting uncomfortably as I tugged his shirt. He turned around and stormed out of the house, through the front door. I looked back at Marcel and Stacy, who both looked slightly frightened. It's okay, I can handle him. I hope...

"Declan...?" I called out as I stepped outside. I couldn't see him so I took a few more steps into the front yard. It was dark outside, dark and cold. 

"Do you know how scared I was?" He grabbed me by my shoulders, scaring the pants off me, just kidding they were still there. I couldn't think straight because of the fright. 

"I-I'm sorry," I didn't know what to say at this point, his eyes... weren't his own. He stared dangerously at me, growling and showing his white sharp teeth. I didn't know he cared that much about me.

"I-I heard you," 


"W-When you said g-goodbye, I damn right heard you and it almost broke me," His eyes softened finally. I was shocked and slightly embarrassed, I knew that werewolves could speak telepathically but human-to-werewolf just sounded crazy.

"And don't try to lie to me! You were hurt!" His eyes darkened once again.

"Huh? I swear I didn't!" I didn't want him to lash out again.

"Then why do I smell blood?" He questioned, still growling and holding my shoulders tightly so I couldn't turn around. 


"So you were hurt?! I'll kill that dam-"

"No! I'm just..." 


"I'm on my period you shit head!" I yelled out louder than I should have, my face was as red as a tomato which I hoped he didn't notice, seeing as I was faced away from the street light. 

- - - 

So there I was, at school, reading comments from this book and laughing and chocking because you guys are hilarious. I love the ones where I make a spelling mistake and y'all come at me XD I don't want to fix it cuz the comments have been deleted. 

Thanks for reading!

xx writer

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