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"It's okay it's just a dream," I said although my face was getting hot. Declan smirked and pulled me closer to him.

"Okay I'll play this game, just don't yell at me in five minu-," I couldn't wait any longer so I took the first step. I connected our lips and melted into the sweet but passionate kiss. We moved in sync until I somehow ended up on top of him, I was smiling through the entire kiss.

"Off," I said pointing to his shirt, he immediately pulled me away.

"As much as I want to continue this, but Bella you are not dreaming," he said causing me to frown in confusion.

"Well then why else would you be on my bed?"

Oh god. Oh no. Holy chicken fuc-

"I didn't know you fantasize about getting dirty with me," he smirked causing me to turn pale. I quickly got off him and ran to the bathroom, I made sure to lock the door so he wouldn't be able to come in. My face was radiating heat as if it was frying bacon right now.

"That was hot," I heart Declan mumble to himself.

"S-Shut up," I managed to yell out. I never been so humiliated in my entire life, but to mistake reality for a dream, I must be going crazy.

"How long have you been dreaming about me this way?" He called out, clear amusement in his voice. He was making me sound like a complete pervert. What was he still doing there, and why was he even on my bed in the first place? I grabbed the door handle and immediately pulled the door open.

"I-I'm not a pervert! Y-You are! What are you doing s-sleeping in my room?" I asked stuttering in the process. He was sitting on laying on my bed, looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Never said you were a pervert...are you hinting that this happened more than once?" He asked, ready to burst out laughing any moment now.

"W-What?! S-Stop twisting my words! I never said that! An-And you dodged the question!" I said pointing my finger at him.

"You were screaming and crying in your sleep so I woke you up. But you grabbed my hand and wanted me to stay~" he said wiggling his eyebrows. I gasped in shock.

"We didn't do anything...did we?" If I couldn't tell between reality when I'm fully awake what makes me think that I could when I'm half asleep. He nodded his head without saying anything, causing my eyes to widen and my face to redden if that even was possible.

"Never knew you were such a pervert," he said jokingly, making my head drop with relief. I sighed loudly. I didn't want to forget my first time, even if it's probably going to be with Declan.

"Don't worry," he whispered in my ear causing me to jump in surprise by how I didn't even notice him make his way to me.

"I dream about you too," he said and breathed into my neck. I relaxed and felt my body act on its own and kneel closer.

"And you know what you were doing in my dream?" He asked in a husky voice, I nodded my head without realizing.

"You were stripping," he said, I finally snapped out of my weird gaze I was in and pushes him away with yet another flushed expression.

"You are the real pervert here!" I yelled out covering my face. I tried to get away but he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer.

"I was kidding, don't run away," he said. I felt myself. frown at how I relaxed easily once again.

"I was dreaming of us getting married and having kids,"

"Woah there buddy, I'm only 18!" I said with a nervous laughter.

"I know...I love you either way, even your crazy side. I know it may seem too soon for you to here those words and you don't have to say anything back, but I do really care about you and I do love you," I felt speechless, werewolves really do fall in love so fast, they trust in this moon goddess Cupid that pairs everyone up.

"I-If it makes you feel better...I think I'm...f-falling in love with you too..." he hugged my tighter and I could feel a happy aura radiating off him.

"I have a q-question..." I said nervously.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Is it true that you have to bite your mate? On the neck?" I asked and I could feel him tense up straight away.


"T-Then can you please do it now...?"

- - -
I honestly wonder if there was one chapter in this book without cliffhangers...probably not MUHAHAHA.

Sorry for leaving you guys hanging before, I an had emergency and then work rolled in.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful day!!

xx writer

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