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"No," I said bluntly with no emotion in my eyes. His face dropped in disappointment.

"This is a bloody first date, not a strip show Tylor," Currently Tylor and Stacy were trying to find me a cute fit for my date with Declan which was coming up in about three hours. I was stressed, and not ready at all. This is my first date with someone other than Ben and I didn't know what to expect.

Since Stacy's taste was girly and mine was trash, we needed a third party to set us in the middle and Tylor happened to be available. I was also able to get some information from him about Declan since I barely knew him, now that I think about it.

"But the red dress is perfect for a first date," he complained. He was getting pretty tired now that we've spent thirty minutes in one store.

"I agree with him," Stacy said nodding. I raised my eyebrows and gave them both the evil eye.

"Do I look like a damn prostitute?" I said.

"Well with that attitude no," he commented back.

"Hey! What's wrong with my attitude?" I shot back, throwing my hands in the air.

"Well for started you complain too much," he replied. I gasped dramatically.

"And you always do that thing with your nose," Stacy said and I immediately touched my nose.

"Oh yes! Not to mention you have an attention span of a puppy!" Well...that's true I guess.

"Puppies are cute..."

"And you barely show your curves!" Can't argue with that either.

"Yeah honestly with a body like yours I'd be wearing tank tops every day, that is if I was a girl..."

"What's wrong with being private!" I said and shook my head. Jeez, not everyone has high self-esteem. 

"Not too private!" 


"Ya know when I found out you were Declan's mate, I was shocked. You aren't like his typical girlfriends..." What does he mean by typical?

"He had a girlfriend?" I asked, my mouth dropping.

"Well duh! Have you seen the dude?" Stacy said while looking for another dress.

"Hey, you have a boyfriend!" I said pointing my index finger at her. 

"W-Well I suppose that makes sense...I always thought you wait until you meet your mate," 

"Some do, but sometimes it takes years to find your mate, I'm talking thirty years old!" Tylor said and I could see the worry in his own eyes. 

"It's okay Tylor, you'll find her soon!" I said with a smile to cheer him up. 

"Or him, I think I might be gay..." He blurted out and I almost choked on my own spit.

"WHAT?" Stacy yelled out. I looked around to make sure no one was watching us. 

"What do you mean you think? And coming out is a private thing, you can't just say it so openly like that!" She said, pushing a handful of clothes into my arms as she approached Tylor. I took it and jumped inside the changing room. 

"She's right you know," I said. 

"W-Well, I never felt this way so I don't know what to think!" He said nervously. 

"I have a gay cousin, I can help you figure this out! Did you ever felt attracted to a male species?" I rolled my eyes, here we go again. I was there when she was interrogating her cousin, and let me tell you, she can be quite persuasive that she almost persuaded herself that she was one too. That was when we were fifteen, she was quite stupid back then. 

"Well yeah, I suppose I did have a crush on Declan,"

"Hey! Hands off he's mine!" I said quickly and a bit too loudly. I covered my mouth in embarrassment. I heard them laughing behind the door as I was trying to put on this black and pink dress. I finally managed to zip it up and sighed heavily at my sore arms. While they were having their talk, I looked in the mirror and got distracted by the dress. It hugged my waist nicely and there was a design of pink roses over it. 

"Hey guys, I think I like this one!" I said coming out. I looked at their faces for approval but they just shook their heads. 

"More skin! Be sexy! You know what being sexy means?!" He said and facepalmed. 

"Hey, she picked this dress!" 

"I just grabbed a bunch without looking," Stacy said as she shrugged. I groaned and threw my head back to look at the ceiling. 

"If I'm not back home in thirty minutes, I'm going to have a mental breakdown!" I said truthfully, in fact, my eyes started tearing up as soon as I said that sentence. 

"Oh no sweety don't cry, your eyes will look like pufferfish," 

"You know you guys insulted me like ten times today..."

"On the other hand, that dress does suit you,"

"Yeah, looks like something you'd wear," 

"You look gorgeous you should buy it,"

"Really?" I asked looking back at them. 

"Yeah with my black heel, it will lo-,"

"Nope, no heels this time!" I said walking back to change into my clothes. I sighed heavily and started changing. Not today mental breakdown, not today.

- - - 

Sorry guys, I've been busy with writing a candle magic book for a client -.- ya girl gotta get that coin lol 

Next chapter maybe tomorrow if I'm feeling generous haha I started writing it but the thing is I've never been on a date so idk what to write about lmaooo 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have an awesome day!

xx writer

Update: if you can give me 100 comments I'll update today MUHAHAHAH

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