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It was already eight pm, and I just finished helping Mavis cook a few dishes, I made French fries but hopefully, I didn't over do it with the sat. I hurried up the stairs to my room but was shocked to find that all my bags and clothes were laying across the bed. I narrowed my eyes as I figured out who did this.

Declan and his anger issues ass.

I was lucky enough that Mavis showed up after going to the warehouse before he could do anything to me. Thank god for Mavis, I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for her!

She's like an anti Alpha shield.

But when she's not around, I always find myself picking fights and then regretting later. I looked around and rolled my eyes as I noticed that all my short stuff such as crop tops, skirts, and shorts were gone.

Oh. That's what he meant the hard way...

Let's pray he didn't throw them away because they cost me a fortune, I had to sacrifice a week worth of in n out and had to eat my fathers horrible cooking. 

Just by thinking about it made me want to throw up.

I smirked as an idea of payback popped into my head. I'll just have to customize one of my hoodies and crop it a bit as they do on Pinterest. 

I grabbed scissors in the kitchen as well as a concerned look from Mavis that I earned because of my evil grin. I marked where I wanted to cut but ended up not cutting in a straight line. I facepalmed, I went to school for 12 years and yet I still didn't know how to cut a straight line. I attempted to fix it but made it a bit shorter than I was going for. The edges curled up adding a nice effect.

Not bad at all. I decided to try it on and smiled at my design. Maybe I should become a fashion designer!

I turned around and sighed. Okay, maybe not until I learn to cut straight lines. I decided to wear high waisted pants. I'll do whatever I can to piss Declan off, it's just too much fun!

It gives me the pleasure of seeing him getting worked up and jealous over nothing. 

* * * 

I might update one short chapter every other day if I have time around 500 words or would you rather I update a chapter around 1000 words every 3 days?

Anddd what do you do when you don't want to study but you also don't want to fail a class because that is me right now. Wish me luck on the two tests tmr that I have :)

Stare at that smiley face until you'll see my pain... Jk, have a good day/night! 

xx writer

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