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A hand covered my mouth. My eyes widened as I saw the angry face of a certain Alpha. Scratch that, furious face of a certain Alpha. He pulled me away harshly into my room. He pushed me inside and closed the door, facing away from me for a few seconds before he turned around.

"What is wrong with you?!?"

"I don't know man, I ask myself that too," I replied casually.

"This is not a joke,"

"My life is a joke honestly,"

"Okay stop. Are you okay? What happened? Why are you so negative all the sudden?" He asked, eyeing me as if I turned into a completely different person. 

"What are you talking about? I'm always negative," I tried to play it cool. I wasn't being negative right now, I was joking. Kind of. 

"Oh yeah?" He raised his eyebrows, somehow making him look more good looking than he already was. Was that even possible or were my eyes deceiving me?

"Okay fine, maybe today is just not a good day for me,"

"You know that you can talk to me right? I'm here for you,"

"You are only saying that because I'm your mate,"

"Mate or no mate, I'll still care about you," He said, averting his eyes from me with a light hint of red on his cheeks. Seeing him slightly embarrassed turned my cheeks pink. I walked away and sat on my bed. I kneeled down and put my head on my hands. I tried my best to buckle in all my emotions, it's what I do the entire year until that day comes. I felt Declan sit down next to me, for a few seconds he didn't say anything but then I felt a hand pat me on my back. I could feel that he was tense, it was probably awkward for him to comfort a sad girl. 

"It's going to be okay, you'll get through this," he said, my eyes widening at the familiar line that I always hear Stacy say to me. He didn't know what was happening yet he did know that I was upset. Perks of being a were-dog am I right?

"T-Thanks," I said, quickly drying my tears as soon as they slipped. For some reason, I felt at ease at this moment when I was next to him. I felt safe and at home.

"Anytime, look I'll let Stacy stay, you don't have to cry about it okay?" So much for knowing why I was upset...

"I wasn't crying about Stacy!" 

"Oh yeah? Then enlighten me, why were you crying?"




"I'm waiting..."

"I'm pregnant," 

- - -

THE UPDATE TOMORROW WILL BE SO MUCH LONGER!! It's kinda late right now and I don't feel like editing it, I was going to post two chapters but I'm sowwyyyy~

Q: Okay, I can draw and it's not that bad so I was thinking of drawing Bella? In my messy cartoony/manga style that I have no idea how to fix lol, what do you guys think?

Okay, life update that no one really cares about but I got a writing job which is a huge opportunity and hopefully they will take me in, I've been busy with that lately so sorry for the long wait. Anyway, trust I will update as soon as I can. Like you guys will be swimming in countless chapters I promise!

Anyway, have a good day/night, 

xx writer

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