> 24<

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All three of us sat in the living room, with blank poker faces on. Stacy kept staring at Marcel, clearly she was frightened and trying to connect the dots. I was mending Marcel's wounds since when Stacy is currently broken.

"All done," I said and sat down on the other side of the couch.

"A-Alpha is on his way," Marcel finally spoke, stuttering in the process. I could tell he was nervous but I couldn't point out why. He looked up at me from his hands, an unclear emotion was written all over his face. He quickly looked away when he saw me staring.

"Is he mad?" I asked, my hands and my legs crossed. He didn't look up at me and he didn't even speak.

"Don't worry, I'll handle him," I said confidently with a few doubts flying around my head.

"S-So..." Stacy spoke up for the first time, stuttering in the process. She looked between me and Marcel, trying to figure out what was going on. Marcel's head immediately snapped up to look at her, his eyes were a bit shocked. I watched as the two of them stared at each other for what seemed like eternity until I cleared my throat and Stacy looked at me.

"C-Can you tell me what was t-that?" I exchanged looks with Marcel, debating in my head if it was the right thing to tell her the truth or make up a lie. Marcel shook his head eagerly which made me wonder why he wanted her to know the truth.

"Let me just make this as short as possible, werewolves are real. They are not as hot as in Twilight but they are real," I said causing Stacy to snort, she smiled at my joke.

"This dude," I said pointing at Marcel, "he's a werewolf, my so-called-boyfriend is a werewolf but that's complicated, he more of forced me to get with him, I don't have a choice 'cuz he can literally snap my neck again. But not to worry, we are in good terms, hopefully. Anyway he runs a pack with wolves and there are these soulmates, apparently I'm Declan's soulmate which doesn't really make sense since I'm completely human and he is a dog."

I stopped as soon as I realized Stacy was slightly confused at my rambling, something I tend to do when I'm nervous. She seemed to be processing what I had just said and it took her a while before she spoke up again.

"So did you guys like do the deed? Does that mean your children are going to be half dogs?" She asked gasping, I face-palmed myself with a groan.

"Literally, out of everything I just said, that is your concern?" I asked in disbelief. She remains quiet, clearly nudging me to answer her question.

"No for crying out loud, I did not to the deed. Heck I don't think that's going to happen any time soon with that tempered stinky dog!" I said throwing my hands in the air with irritation.

"Who is a tempered stinky dog?"

* * *
I'll be updating more frequently from now on so possibly every day or every two days maybe even more that one chapter a day if I feel excited for you to read the next one lol 😂😂

Have a lovely day,

xx writer

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