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"Sweetie, can you run some errands for me?"

"Yes, sure mom!!"

My mom gives a piece of paper with some items listed on it.

"Buy this things and use the change for your necessities."

"Alright, thanks mom!" I plant a kiss on her cheek then grab my cardigan, put on shoes and skid outside.

"Yahh wait!!" I turn around and see Mingyu who is panting hard to catch me up. He pushes his bangs back and tries to breath steadily.

As soon as we reach Hongin Market, Mingyu spins around with his most excited face.

"Don't tell me it's your first time here." I laugh as I look at him.

"I'm going to explore this!! Byee!!!" He hops around and then disappears in the midst of people.

The uninviteable rain suddenly pour down heavily. With every steps I take, it makes annoying squeaking sound.

"Aish where is Mingyu?!" I roll my eyes in the middle of scanning him in the midst of buzzling people.

Getting impatient, I begin to search for him myself.

The crowded market makes pushed people out of my consent. The rain make it worse.

"Sorry!" I hold out my hand to help but, "Hansol?"

Out of all people in the market, I found Hansol!

"Sowon? Wow, its been a long time." He exclaims, sounds genuine but I feel his cynical tone when he expresses time.

"Y-yeah." I fake a smile and walk a fee steps back.

"You know, we should catch up." I swear his voice gives me goosebumps and feel like close enough to my neck.

"Next time? I dont think so." I sternly mutter. I stride to some random place. It's quite quiet here , I guess he would not find me anymore.

And I am wrong.

"No, Hansol. This is not you!" I have the urge to punch and curse him the moment he is blocking my way and cornering me against the wall.

"Don't come closer, idiot!!" I yell but this dude is sure bold. He strokes my hair and lean closer for a kiss, I push him but when does he become so strong?!

"No Hansol! I'm going to scream!!" I hitch a breath as Hansol is just one step apart from my lips. I can't escape, damn it!

"Don't!!" I struggle as hard as I can before I see Hansol being dragged away and punched.

Thank God, Mingyu comes.

"Mingyu, where did you--"


The man in front of me isn't Mingyu.

I become speechless.


He looks at me as if I have done something terrible and yes, I do.

[C] Don't Recall | svt joshuaWhere stories live. Discover now