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Today is Mingyu's birthday so he drags me to the nearest park and forces me to celebrate it together.

Hmm, did I went overboard to Joshua?

Is he mad?

I made him sad right?

I felt so guilty.

"Yah, what are you thinking?"

My building thought crash as Mingyu nudges my arms. I blink twice and look at him, unable to say the exact answer.

"Ahh, you must've been sooooo guilty right? Anyway, I am going to get lillies. See ya!!"


I watch Mingyu's shade disappear. However his place is quickly replaced by someone else.


I look at Mingyu's place which is now Joshua's.

"I know you are mad but you really need to hear this out." He looks so frustrated to confess.

"Okay. Spit it out." I cross my arms. I am the one who feels guilty but Joshua, why are you being like this.. Aish.

"I like you from the start. But I am not sure of my feelings. I am confused! And there's Sujeong who made her feelings for me clear. I, I was too confused, inexperienced and I thought I like her too. But I was wrong. I mean, everything I did, I kept reminded of you. Aishh. That's why we broke up.." He tells while panting hard as if he just runs a marathon.

I am speechless.



Joshua, why..

Oh God.


"Okay? Is that all?"

"What do you expect then?"

"I still have those feelings for you!"

Both of us go silent.

"Josh, I..."

His eyes are looking at me, glistening.

"I am sorry but it's all in the past." I stand up but Joshua grabs my arms which forces me to sit.

"You are lying right?"

"No am not! I am not lying at all. Joshua I am forgetting you."

I retort while trying to sound as serious and believable as possible.

"You said you are which means you haven't forget yet."

Joshua is so persistent. And stubborn.

"Stop it Josh."

"No, I won't." He grabs my hand even more tighter.

I yank his hand. He seems to understand and releases his tight grip.

"Sorry but we don't have any relationship right?"

I glare at him coldly.

"Yes but why are you avoiding me?"

"Joshua you are so stupid! I love you back then and .. Now.. Too.." My voice trails off as I realize that I am confessing to him rather than pushing him away.

Oh gosh, I am so stupid! I cup my face , dying in embarrassment.

Joshua who seems shocked at first now is drawing a small smile at his lips.

"I guess we are still the same." 

I stare at him. "You don't like me so don't lie."

Joshua chuckles before scooting closer to me which I find uncomfortable but somehow he is so warm.

"I am not lying. I am just not sure of my feelings before. Things just got.. Mixed up." He confesses, it looks like he is regretting everything.

"Hey Josh, do you think this could be a good thing?"

He turns and look at me. "What?"

"I still have my wish right?"


"Then can I use it?"

"Yeah? What is your wish?"

Then I look at him daringly and boldly I say,

"Giving you chance to fix the mixed things."

Okayy this is the end :) thanks for spending your time to read and vote this book xD pls tune in for more mini stories like this💕

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