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Okay that's what I thought but he came because of Mingyu. And they are lowkey friends. Turns out that he is Jisoo that Mingyu always talk about.

But Mingyu went on date with Wonwoo so yeah.. It's just the two of us. I feel it's too cruel if I tell Joshua to go home right away so I tell him to stay for a while before going home.

I just don't know what is my feeling for him anymore. I just feel regret that the past happened. I mean, having crush and he is your bestfriend is normal thing. And confess to him is also normal.

But being stopped from confessing is not.

~Kim Runa

* * * *

"Mingyu!! Your friend is here!!" There goes my mom yelling from downstairs.

Mingyu sprints to the door as fast he can until I hear two voices exchanging greetings and laughs.

It's Joshua again.

I ignore the fact he is in my house and continue watching Hawaii Five-O. Suddenly I feel a slump beside me. Turns out it's Joshua who comfortably has sits beside me.

"We need to talk about something, right?" He softly asks.


"Okay.. Sujeong and I had broke up. Years ago. We are together for just a week. Okay?" He blurts out of nowhere.

I take a deep breath and search for most polite answer as possible but of course I am carried off my anger.

"And what do you want me to do? I know I was stupid back then to not realize that you were so in love with Sujeong so I decided to confess. Because I felt you were so caring and attentive toward me. I was the wrong one. Okay? End."

I switch off the television, grab my jacket and storm outside.

I hate this situation. Ugh.

[C] Don't Recall | svt joshuaWhere stories live. Discover now