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"The weather is niiiiceeee!!!" I scream on top of my lungs while kicking the door open, only to reveal a skinny boy with pastel sweatshirt and dark blue jeans is standing in front of my door, looking shocked because the door basically flung open.

"Joshua what are you doing here?!" I ask in half scream, with the tone like nothing happened between us, like we are just fine and good. As if.

Joshua stands there and awkwardly waves. "Hi? Urm... I think we need to talk?" His sweet mellow voice fills the morning air.

Realization hits me late. He must've been wanting to talk about 'us'. But,

"I think we are done already?" I step back and hold the doorknob while looking at him menacingly. "What is there to talk about?" I try to sound intimidating as ever but this guy has made me feels like in the air.

"Look, Sowon, i mean Runa-"

I am flustered as he calls my real name but I need to stop this. "Sorry, my mom's calling. See you later." I lie while pushing the door close. Heck, my family isn't even home and their going traces  can be found outside. There are none of their shoes and car.

Through the small windowsill gaps, I can see Joshua's disappointed face as he close the gate and take a left turn to his home.

It's not like I don't like him anymore but I just don't wish to love him anymore.

"Aishhh!!" Thanks to him, my vibrant  morning vibe has gone.

[C] Don't Recall | svt joshuaWhere stories live. Discover now