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I've been neglecting this book for a few days. Those days. Damn it. Joshua, you makes me miserable again. Thanks so much.

I woke up today and saw Joshua stood in front of the door. He looked sort of worried and my mom told me he asked for me if I am home or not.


My mom told that I was sleeping so he left. Along with him, he gave a note that he pleaded my mom to pass it to me.

I felt flustered as I read his short message.

'Runa, sorry to bother you this earlier but I am worried. I couldn't get hold of you after you ran from me last night and the place you went was dark and I'd say it was dangerous. I am sorry. -Josh.'

I have mixed feelings now. What does he meant? What about Sujeong? Come to think of it, I never see Sujeong and him anymore. They used to be together all the time and wherever they go.

Do they broke up?

~Kim Runa

* * * *


I glare at Mingyu whose coming in with a load of groceries, followed by Wonwoo who has two basket full of fruits and snacks. There are wet fisheries too.

"Mingyu, are you making a feast?"

Mingyu grins, showing his canines while nodding aggressively. I mentally facepalmed when Wonwoo whisphers to me.

"He is inviting some friends over. So, hope you keep calm and love him?"

I really have the urge to kimchi slap both of them but I hold it in.

* * * *

Two of them sure work fast, all of the dishes are done by 5.30 which means there are two hours and half left till dinner. I wonder who are Mingyu's friends.

Except from that emo sloth. They have been friends for ages and Wonwoo literally follows everywhere Mingyu goes. It's not shocking if both of them have the same friend circle.

By 7pm, the doorbell rang and Wonwoo rushes to open the door. Two boys with some cute accents come in and say hello.

"He is Jun and Minghao. They are from China." Wonwoo introduces. Now that makes sense of their weird accents.

Two of them follow Wonwoo to the kitchen counter and seem to have sort of discussion. I don't take part of them and just focusing to the CSI show.

Time passes.

Mingyu actually invited a LOT OF guys into this house. Ughh. It's 8PM and there are around 9 guys in the house including them.

The one who introduces himself as the walking clock, named Hoshi arrives ten minutes after Jun and Minghao.

The cashier and worker from the groceries store, Jeonghan and Dino also come.

They are followed by Seungcheol, the one who calls himself as the leader of them and happily informs that he works at cafe downtown.

Shortly after Seungcheol, there come Woozi; a short cutie boy whom Mingyu advised to avoid because he is violent and Dokyeom; whose laughter can be heard from two houses away.

They seem really focus in discussing something. My suspicion grow as I heard Joshua's name being mentioned a few times.

Nah, maybe another Joshua?

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