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It's late but here am I, getting chased out of my OWN home because my father has invited some of hus relatives to come over. A noisy, annoying relatives to be exact. They will be constantly ask about my grades, or life and even boyfriend. So to save the situation and for my own sake, my mom told me to go out for a fresh air.

Fresh air my foot.

But the nice thing is, there is a mini festival organized near the neighborhood.

I skid all the way. But the inevitable rain come pouring down again, just when I forget to bring umbrella along and the annoying squeaky sound is back.

This time, not me alone.

"Be careful, it's slippery."

I turn around in flash and suddenly I don't feel tickling rain on me anymore.

It's Joshua who is hovering his umbrella on me. He shares a big part of the shelter to me while I can see rain drips on his side.

Why must he makes me feel uncomfortable and guilty?!

My intention to let him have a fair shelter become utter mess. He is shocked the moment I grab his sweatshirt and pulls me along as he retorts back, which makes we are completely glued to each other.

He smells nice and his body is warm.... YAH!! SHUSSHH YOU STUPID!! 

I have hundreds of questions to ask him but I decide to shut my mouth and continue walking.

He is too nice that I misunderstood him.

"You can ask me anything." He mutters, slowly but enough for me to hear.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I baffled out nonchalantly. "Are you just being nice?" I shoot a glare.

Joshua looks back and smiles. I can't interpret what he wants to say,

"I am sincere."

I snort. Sincere my foot.

"Then express it to Sujeong. She needs it more. Not me." I become suppressed in anger as I walk out in the rain and run to the nearest street.

[C] Don't Recall | svt joshuaWhere stories live. Discover now