Chapter 3

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Lanyas Pov

I wake up on a cold, hard cement floor

Kishauns right Beside me

I look up and I see Taylor starring at me

"T-Taylor is that you"

"long time no see Lanya "

"What are you doing here?"

"when I say I want Paige back I mean, I'm GETTING her back"

"Okay but this isn't the way to do it" "this will just make her hate you"

"hahaha. she loves me and always will"

"keep telling yourself that" I say it under my breathe so that he can't here me

Bjs Pov

"Guys I have an idea" I whisper so Taylor can't here me

"pretend like were asleep and then wait for him to go check on Lanya and follow him"

"That's A Great Idea"! Paige Whisper Screams

"Shhh we gotta keep quiet" Bj puts his finger up to his lips

"Bj do you still have the gun"? Raven Asks

"Yeah, if he tries anything his brains are gonna be splattered on the walls!"

"not until we find Kishaun and Lanya " Jalen Adds


"Jalen can we talk In private" Paige asks Jalen

"Yeah I guess" Jalen Mumbles

"Well first of all I just want to say I'm really Sorry about Taylor..  Jalen I Love you, not him, I want to be with YOU not him." "Jalen your my whole entire world." I can't live without you." "Your my EVERYTHING"

"Jalen Please, I will die without you." "I've always wanted to be Mrs..Dixon." "Jalen.. your the only one that I love. Paige says beginning to cry..

"Paige, I don't know What to say." I-I Love You Too" Jalen replies with a smile

Jalen wipes the tears from her eyes, kisses her on the cheek and goes back to the group.

Paige can't stop smiling,  she follows him back to the group.

-Later That Night-

"he's leaving, I'll follow him" Bj Whispered

"be careful "! Raven whisper screams

he smiles and says "I will"


"Lanya I'm back" Taylor yells

"What do you want" Lanya mumbles

-Bj walks in behind Taylor -

Bj puts his fingers to his lips telling Lanya to stay quiet

Bj pulls out his gun and points it at Taylor's head.

Taylor puts his hands up and turns around

Bj un-ties Lanya and Kishaun and ties up Taylor

Lanya ran over and gave Bj a big hug

"How did you find us"! Lanya yells

"it doesn't matter, are you guys Okay?"

"Yeah were fine" they both say

Paige and Raven see Bj ,  Lanya,  and Kishaun and they both run over and give Lanya and Kishaun a hug

Ravens Pov.

I'm so Happy that Lanyas Okay

now all we have to-do is find our way out of here!!

"um..  guys..  where's Taylor..  WHERE'S PAIGE!!"

"I bet he has her" "he's really getting on my last nerve" Kishaun yells

"Mine Too" Jalen adds

Kishauns Pov

I can't help but stare at my beautiful girlfriend Lanya.

she is my everything.

she doesn't understand how I really feel...

I walk up behind her a hug her from behind

I kiss her cheek and she giggles

I love the way she laughs.

she's so perfect

I love her so much ❤

I'm glad were Okay

"guys I found a Door, I can't get it open though, I think I hear Paige inside." I hear Bj Yell

"PAIGE ARE YOU OKAY!" Lanya yells

theres no reply

I hear struggles from the room, I know Taylor's in there too.

"What Do We Do!!!"

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