Chapter 1

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I feel like throwing up.  I don't want to do this. I really do not want to marry him.  I love him too much for far too long to settle for this mockery of a marriage.  My hands are cold as ice, and though I am standing right next to him listening to the serious looking official who is forever sealing my fate, I feel alone.

This is stupid. I took a step back ready to run for it.  But he quickly put a hand behind my back, supposedly to steady me, but in reality so he can remind me to stick to the plan.  He threw a quick sideways glance at me which made me swallow in fear.  I can see a hint of anger in his eyes.  He doesn't want this either but we have to stick to the plan. 

I should be delirious with happiness right now. I'm marrying the man I love. I'm having his baby. But everything just turned into a nightmare.  I heard a cough and noticed the official seems to be waiting for me to say something.

"" I stuttered in confusion.  It was a blur after that.  Did I just marry him? Am I lost in another one of my fanfics?  Can I wake up now?

I felt his lips touch mine.  Time stopped and I forgot to breathe.  This is is what lead us here. His kiss was my downfall.  Before I can shame myself even further by kissing him back, he straightened up and gave a fake smile for the cameras.  Hell just started.

I worked part-time on and off through the years for SME.  That's where I met him.  He was young but very talented.  No doubt he had a bright future ahead of him.  I doubt if he ever noticed the mousy girl, with the big eyeglasses standing in the background.  But that was okay.  I was content being a fangirl.  I worked to supplement my scholarship so I can finish school.  I was never a trainee at SME.  I was one of the hundreds of busy workers that make their artist stand out.

What I am good at is organizing anything and everything.  I can pack up an entire group's wardrobe and never have a single hairpin missing.  My goal was to be one of the office based assistants.  I wanted permanency in my life which I never had growing up.  I had an absentee father, an overworked and often distracted mother, and no siblings.  Too introverted to make friends easily, I tend to be alone a lot. 

That's how I met him.  It was lunch break and I was sitting in a corner quietly eating.  I looked up and there he was smiling at me.  I swear I saw a halo on him for a second. He was friendly and noticed me sitting alone and decide to strike a conversation with me.  Before I knew it, he had me throwing back my head and laughing until tears run down my cheeks.  Sadly, I don't think I was that memorable.  After that day, I seldom saw him in person but his face is everywhere.  After all, he is Byun Baekhyun of EXO, my bias, now my husband and my baby's daddy.

I'm foggy about the details.  I can't even blame the alcohol.  I barely had an ounce of soju.  What I remember is being tired and sleepy.  I barely had six hours of sleep in the last two days prior to the party.  I was studying for my finals and working at the same time.  I was in short, burned out.  I got dragged into the party by the PD who was extremely happy at me for finding one of his precious top secret "game plan" which in all honesty was in the freezer of his office fridge.  How it got there was another long story.

I was seated on the sidelines biding my time until I can politely take my leave.  Exhaustion caught up with me.  I closed my eye for a second and woke up to the smiling face of Baekhyun.

"You're cute when you sleep. Do you know you snore too?" He was teasing me.  I slapped a hand over my mouth and quickly sat up. A sudden dizzy spell had me flailing and grabbing to the first thing I could grab. I felt a sudden small flick on my face. I cautiously opened one eye only to squeeze it shut again.  I had grabbed Baekhyun's shirt and just tore it open.  The flick on my face was his button popping.

"Sorry, sorry....I will pay for the shirt...sorry, sorry" I muttered with my head bent in shame.

"Yah! Not that I don't love my sunbeanims, but you do know that I'm in EXO, right?" He was chuckling as he gently released my fingers that were still clutching at his shirt.  I nodded my head vigorously knowing that my cheeks are probably as red as a tomato.  How can he be laughing when I'm dying here? 

"You okay now?" He tilted his head a little to get a better look at my red face.  I felt something light brush my ear.  I jerked slightly, tickled by the sensation. He was tucking my hair behind my ear.  He suddenly smiled brightly like he found a hidden treasure.  "You've got ticklish ears!"

For a split second, I saw a glint of pure mischief in his eyes before he quickly leaned over and blew in my ear. 

"Yah!" I covered my ear and looked at him like he lost his mind.  I wasn't sure whether I should be offended or to start laughing.  He looked a little afraid that he went too far.  This is war!  I pulled his head down and quickly blew on his ear too then just as quickly released him. He automatically covered the ear I blew on and stared at me with his eyes wide.  Now I'm the one wondering if I went too far.  His lips started twitching and I had to look down afraid I will start laughing and end up offending him.

My mistake was making eye contact with him.  That's when we both lost it and started laughing our heads off.  I was still laughing when he blew on my other ear making me squeak like a mouse.  I tried to do the same thing to him, but it was impossible since he was taller than me.  Inexplicably, I ended up kissing him.  His lips grazed mine and I was so surprised I didn't move.  He raised his head cautiously and looked down on me before he dipped his head again for another kiss. 

My eyes fluttered closed, lost in the warmth of his lips, the strength in his embrace.  Patiently he pressed his lips lightly over my own, teasing me to open mine as he flicked out the tip of his tongue ever so often.  Shyly I parted my lips for him, and he boldly swiped his warm tongue inside.  I gasped, taken aback by this sweet onslaught to my senses, he lifted his mouth a few inches away but like a fool, my lips chased his.  I felt his smile rather than saw it, before he responded by kissing me again, this time a bit more boldly as he slanted his mouth over mine.  Again he coaxed me to part my lips, which I did without any resistance, and gently slipped his tongue inside my mouth as his tongue sought, found and teased my own for a sensual dance. I couldn't help but moan. He tightened his embrace and drew me closer to him.  I ended up sitting on his lap facing him.  Our lips were still fused together, my hands buried in his hair, his hands busy caressing my skin beneath my shirt when the door suddenly opened.

"Baekhyun, time to go what's taking so..." Chanyeol's eyes nearly fell out of his head when he saw what Baekhyun and I were busy doing.  He turned around so fast he walked in on the door that closed behind him.

Wordlessly, Baekhyun lifted me over to the chair beside him and took off the shirt that was missing a button.  He tenderly draped it over my shoulders. He looked me over once more with a satisfied smile on his face to make sure I looked decent, before walking over to Chanyeol who was sitting dazedly on the floor. 

"Can I borrow your jacket?" He asked the younger male. Chanyeol handed over his jacket without any questions.  Baekhyun pulled it on but it ended up swallowing him since Chanyeol was so much taller than him.  He came back to pull me up to my feet.

"You okay?" He asked me.  I've died and gone to heaven! Hell yeah I'm okay!

"I'm fine" I was back to being my awkward self thank you very much. 

"Can I take you home?" Boy you can keep me in your pocket forever if you want.

I smiled back at Baekhyun instead.

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