Chapter 14

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Baekhyun stared at the dark ceiling of his room.  Yoo Mi was sleeping soundly beside him, tucked under the blankets his mother had given them as a wedding gift.  They had to sleep on the tiny space on the floor of his old room since his bed was too narrow to hold both of them.  He was worried that he would crush Yoo Mi in his sleep so he offered to sleep in the floor so that she could sleep comfortably on the bed, Yoo Mi however refused to sleep without him.  He should have protested more but he couldn't deny himself the chance to hold her in his arms. 

Being an idol meant a lot of sneaking around for the two of them before they got married.  He could probably count in hours and minutes the actual time they spent together rather that using text messages and phone calls.  Yoo Mi never protested, never made any demands, just loved him unconditionally and gave everything she had.

Yoo Mi mumbled sleepily before shifting in her sleep and pulling on the blankets covering them.  She shivered slightly before curling on her side away from him.  Baekhyun's sculpted chest and abdomen were briefly exposed revealing his nudity.  He smiled before he pulled back the blankets and his wife.  If she was cold then she needs to stay closer to him.  Although she never woke up even though he rolled her over, she instinctively wrapped her limbs around her husband.  He kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly.

"Saranghe, Yoo Mi.  Things will get better.  I promise to work hard to give you and our baby everything you deserve."  He whispered softly before he drifted to sleep.  Yoo Mi kept her eyes shut willing herself not to cry.  He paid a high prize for loving her.  She will make sure that he will never regret his choice.

Downstairs, all the other members of EXO were laid down on blankets, each lost in his own thoughts.  Suho was the most worried.  If it was only himself, he knows he will be able to forge ahead and carve a different path.  He was worried for the others especially the two youngest.  Despite their undeniable talent,  Sehun and Jongin both basically grew up in the training rooms of SME and know no other life.  Kai and Sehun.  How can he help the maknaes?

Xiumin will enlist in the army soon and will probably be able to decide what to do with the rest of his life.  He's smart and studious.  He probably wouldn't find it too much of a hardship to find a role behind the cameras.  Lay can have his freedom to grow as an artist in China, Jongdae can easily change his careers to doing musicals, Chanyeol would be successful as a music producer, DO will most likely get offers to be an actor from other agencies as soon as they find out that he is now not working for SME.

Despite all the worries, he is envious of Baekhyun.  Why didn't he have the strength to fight for the woman he loves like Baekhyun did?  Does she hate me?  Where is she now?  I miss her.

Chanyeol was thinking of songs and various ways he could produce these songs.  He probably could collaborate with Lay but it also worries him that Lay could be in the hot seat because of the situation between their two countries.  He was going to produce songs for EXO or whatever name they eventually come up with for the group.  He just has to find the strength to go against SME if they decide to blacklist the group.

Xiumin had his eyes closed, his forehead furrowed in a frown.  Chen and Baek were supposed to continue the subunit while he goes off to join the army for his mandatory enlistment.  That's not very important right now but he was lost as to what to do once he finishes his enlistment.  Be a music teacher?  Could he even finish his doctorate degree?  What will all his dongsaengs do?  How can he help them if even he is struggling to find a path to his future?  As the eldest shouldn't he be an example?

Sehun was just as lost in his thoughts.  He knows he's got a handsome face and he could probably make a living as a model.  But how will that help the others?  It would be selfish of him to think only of himself.  He's not about to abandon the members.  Suho taught him better than that.  Suho had been brother, mother and father to him all these years.  It hurt when Luhan hyung left.   He felt abandoned.  Only time and a true bond of brotherhood made it possible for them to mend their damaged relationship. 

Kai was thinking hard what to do with his life.  It was painful to think that he might not be able to perform again on the same stage as his brothers.  He loves performing and dancing.  However, he is okay with living a simple life.  He can work for his sister's cafe, and maybe go back to school like his mother wants him to do.  He had been thinking about something along the lines of Vet school.  Maybe not a veterinarian but perhaps an assistant?  How was he even going to pay for that? 

Chen had been thinking but exhaustion from their rigid schedule, and all the drama that followed Baekhyun's walk-out finally caught up with him.  He was the first one to fall asleep.  Xiumin glanced his way and hid a laugh.  Chanyeol raised his head and looked at Chen who was snoring softly.  He chuckled and it wasn't long before the others joined in.  Sehun took a picture and cropped it before posting it on his instagram account.  Despite everything they've been through,  they all finally learned something.  They're stronger together.

Yoo Mi woke up the following morning in the arms of her husband, Baekhyun.  Gingerly, she carefully extracted herself from his arms before going to the bathroom.  Once dressed, she glanced back at his sleeping form once again before leaving the room.  The guys were all still sleeping on the floor in the living area.  A few canine heads can be spotted among the multicolored hairs of the members.  She immediately set to work preparing breakfast for everybody.

She was plating the eggs and sausages when a pair of strong arms encircled her waist from behind.  Baekhyun with his eyes half closed leaned his tousled head on her shoulder before mumbling something unintelligible.  It sounded like good morning.  She kissed his cheek before she fed him a piece of sausage she had been nibbling on.

"Good Morning.  I love you." She smiled at him, watching as he dropped down to the floor and continued to chew the sausage while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  He tugged her down to sit on his lap and opened up his mouth like a baby bird waiting to be fed.  She giggled and complied, cutting up small pieces of bread to feed him in between the sausage bites.

Kai walked in  appearing just as disheveled as her husband, squinting his eyes and looking around to check his whereabouts.  He was shuffling towards the refrigerator but decided instead to head towards the couple currently eating breakfast.  He plopped himself down beside Baekhyun and leaned his aching head on his hyung's shoulder.

"Hyungnim, my head hurts.  Do you have something for pain?" He whined like a baby.  Baekhyun was currently occupied trying to eat breakfast, hold his wriggling wife, and hide his erection.  He glanced at the younger man and dropped a kiss on top of Kai's head before calmly going back to his breakfast.  Kai pouted but secretly looked with envy at his hyung's happiness.

Yoo Mi smiled at the cute interaction between Kai and her husband.  She grabbed another piece of sausage from the nearby plate and Baekhyun opened up his mouth again, waiting to be fed.  He was surprised when his wife instead fed Kai who was still leaning his head on Baekhyun's shoulder but opened up his mouth like another baby bird when he saw the sausage.

"Yah! Go get your own breakfast and your own woman to feed you.  Don't act cute in front of my wife." Baekhyun mock glared at the younger man.  Yoo Mi slid off his lap and gave him a pillow.  She winked at him briefly indicating that she knew about his morning stiffness.  She got up to grab another plateful of sausages, eggs and bread.  Chanyeol is now on the other side of Baekhyun and also holding his mouth open like a hungry baby bird.  She had to swallow a laugh hurriedly since Baekhyun and Kai were still half asleep and had not noticed the giant elf mocking them.

One by one the members started to stumble into the kitchen lured by scent of food and coffee.  Suho was the last to arrive having obviously just come in after a shower.  Soon the noise and laughter permeated the air temporarily dispelling the worry and anxiety that each one of them went to bed with.  Suho caught her eye and he mouthed thank you before giving her a stiff bow from the waist.  How long ago was it that he was so disapproving of their relationship?

How long before reality will come crashing down their ears?

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