Chapter 3

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Chanyeol cautiously knocked and after a few seconds stuck his head through the doorway. He sighed in relief when he noticed that Baekhyun and I are actually not embracing anymore but rather busy working. I saw Baekhyun glare at Chanyeol and nodded for him to leave but Chanyeol was oblivious.

"Annyeong! I'm Chanyeol. What are you guys doing? Need any help?" He stumbled clumsily in the room and addressed me. I was surprised he was actually talking to me since he seems as awkward as I am when talking to the opposite sex. Although I didn't feel threatened, the big giant elf still made me feel awkward. I sidled a little closer to Baekhyun without really realizing it.

Baekhyun swallowed a smile and just moved closer me.

"Umm, I'm supposed to organize and stack this items for the Tokyo fan meet?" I ended up my statement in a question since both boys were now grinning like idiots.

"Okay, so can I do anything to help?" Chanyeol seemed slightly more comfortable. I bent to peer inside one of the untouched boxes and in the corner of my eye I saw Baekhyun whispering furiously to Chanyeol.

"Oh! I forgot I am hungry. I'm going out to buy dinner?" He was scratching his head in confusion and looking at Baekhyun who was face palming himself.

"It's dinner time? Oh that's why I'm hungry. Baekhyun-sshi, Chanyeol-sshi, please excuse me. I will just rundown for a quick break and comeback to finish this. Please go ahead. I'll comeback and finish this in half an hour." I bowed politely and moved towards the door.

"Ah no wait! Yoo Mi-ah, uhm that is...." Baekhyun was lost for words and panicking. He threw a panicked glance at Chanyeol.

"Would you mind eating dinner with us Yoo Mi?" Chanyeol smiled brightly, very pleased with himself for his idea. Baekhyun nodded his head vigorously silently willing me to agree. It's like looking at two overgrown puppies. They can melt your heart with a simple smile.

"Thank you, I would love to but I really cannot afford the kinds of places you're probably used to eating your dinner in." I shyly replied.

"Okay, why don't you pick dinner and we will pay?" Baek offered generously. He was reluctant to part ways with Yoo Mi who seemed eager to disappear now that there is another person with them.

"If you are sure....?"I tentatively accepted while looking very uncertain. This is not a very good idea.

I asked both idols to put on their masks and jacket and led the way to my favorite convenience store. I grabbed a small cup ramyeon and hurriedly walked back to the register. The two idols were nowhere near and I suddenly got worried that somebody has recognized them and are now hassling them. It was a large store and I was so surprised to find that each one had a basket. Both of their baskets were almost full with things they probably should not be eating.

Chanyeol was looking at the different brands of sausages available and shrugged his wide shoulders before basically just grabbing two of everything. Baekhyun had a full basket and had his mouth clamped on a large bag of potato chips. He was trying to shove a box of snacks on Chanyeol's basket. I pretended to clear my throat to catch their attention. They looked over cautiously and breathed out in relief when they saw that it was just me.

"Do you think you have enough there?" I couldn't help but tease them. The two idiots looked at their full baskets and as one looked to me.

"Well I guess not. Yoo Mi-ah, would you mind bringing that empty basket beside you?" Baekhyun nodded to the basket stand beside where I was standing. I thought they were joking so I brought over one. Baekhyun smiled cutely at me, waited until Chanyeol was distracted by something before quickly kissing the tip of my nose and grabbing the empty basket I was holding. I froze where I was standing.

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