Chapter 18

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Chaos erupted in Yoo Mi's room it was amazing how all the doctors and nurses understood each other despite the intensity of the situation.  Seconds after he screamed for help, a nurse was at Yoo Mi's bedside. A minute after, two doctors and more nurses came hurtling in with a large cart rattling in a hurry.  A kind nurse gently guided Baekhyun to the side so that he will not be in the way of the medical team but nobody forced him to leave.

The doctor who was acting as the leader of the team was giving decisive and firm commands that was carried out with precision by the rest of the team. A nurse injected a drug into the IV line that was already dripping into his wife's vein. Her seizures tapered gradually as soon as he medications took effect relieving a tiny part of him. The medical team was still looking at Yoo Mi and not budging an inch to see if she was going back into her seizures when she suddenly stopped breathing.  He couldn't forget those words.

"She stopped breathing.  Call a Code!  Start CPR!  Get the OR prepped and call the NICU STAT! Get the neonatologist on the line. Time?"  The Lead doctor is now spitting out commands in rapid successions but the entire team was working efficiently with grace under fire. Baekhyun on the other hand is only two breaths away from dying himself.

(Please, please, please, dear God, Buddha, Allah! Whoever will listen to me please don't take them away from me!) Baekhyun was praying and crying silently in one corner.  His mother just arrived with Suho for a visit and walked in on this terrifying scene.  Baekhyun was embraced by his mother and Suho stoically stood beside him, a pillar of strength that he needs most at this time.

"Intubate and bag now!" The doctor barked at his juniors.  They were already half-done before he completed his sentence.  A long tube was inserted in Yoo Mi's throat and Baekhyun saw her chest rise with each squeeze of the bag.  She remained unresponsive.  A strident alarm kept ringing in the background; a small machine which was supposed to read her heart rate remained flat every time the team switched roles to perform chest compression. It seemed like a lifetime to him but was actually only four-minutes before they got back her heartbeat.

"Mr.Byun, Mr.Byun!  I am sorry to say this but we are going to move her to the operating room now.  You're baby is under stress and will need to be delivered now or she might no make it.  Your wife has a pulse now but she is not breathing on her own.  We have to cut her open to get your baby out and we need to put your wife on a ventilator.  Do you understand?" The lead doctor spoke to Baekhyun urgently but his horrified gaze was fixated on his wife who was hovering between life and death.

"Byun Baekhyun! Answer the doctor now!" His father-in-law slapped him hard across the cheek forcing him out of his shock. Nobody knows when his father in law arrived.

"Yes! Save my family! Please!" He replied hurriedly.  As soon as he said the words, the team brought up he side rails on Yoo Mi's bed and ran down the hallway at breakneck speed with his precious wife on the bed.  Baekhyun started running after them not sure what he will do but afraid to lose them.

"I'm sorry sir, you will have to stop here for the time being.  This is a sterile area." A medical personnel stopped him at the door of the operating room. 

"No! I can't lose my wife! No!" Baekhyun was shouting frantically bodily shoving aside the poor technician.

"Sir!  We are not going to separate you from her but you need to change into some sterilized clothes and scrub down before we let you in there.  Come this way! Hurry" the medical personnel instructed him firmly.  Baekhyun moved fast, worried he will not be beside his wife.
In record time he was scrubbed and inside the room and directed to sit beside her.  A team was working hurriedly to operate with precision to get his baby out from his wife's body.  In less than a minute he heard a soft cry.  He looked up from his fixated gaze on his wife in time to see another team pull out their baby girl who was blue and barely breathing!

"Suction!!" They brought his baby to a different side of he room and an entire team of people seemed to be frantically working on her.  His baby suddenly gave a loud strident cry protesting at the treatment she was getting.  In less than a minute, He could see that she's turning pinkish and she can wail loudly.  Despite their masks he could see the relieved smiles the team working on his baby suddenly had.  In record time, his daughter was wrapped warmly and handed to him.

He was crying as he gently unwrapped her to count all her tiny fingers and toes.  She was crying in protest of her treatment but Baekhyun never heard a more beautiful sound. He wrapped her again with the help of the nurse.

"Yoo Mi, thank you for our daughter.  She's beautiful." With his free hand he reached over to twine his fingers with Yoo Mi.  Her hands were cold as ice.

"I'm sorry Sir, but your wife......" the doctor began to tell him.

"NO!" Baekhyun was shaking his head in denial.

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