Chapter 16

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Baekhyun kept pacing back and forth in the now empty restaurant of Chanyeol's mother.  He had been practicing how to break the news of their new management company, and meeting his father-in-law to Yoo Mi but everything just sounds muddled and wrong.  Chanyeol, and D.O tried helping him practice but they dropped down in exhaustion after his hundredth attempt failed.

Leaving that room where his father-in-law alternately grilled him and praised him left him reeling.  He was called in separately from the his group members right after they signed their new contracts.  He was dithering about signing a new contract because he was worried about how differently he will be treated since he is the only married member of the group.  It was almost a relief when he got called into the office thinking that the president has now changed his mind.  Instead he was startled out of his mind when an older version of the man in Yoo Mi's childhood picture of her father stood up to greet him formally.

"Byun Baekhyun?"  Mr.Kim asked politely even though he was not really posing a question.  They had met before in a gala where his father in law was a major donor.  He was with EXO-CBX and sang one of their more popular OST for the guests.  He didn't linger and escaped as soon as he could opting spend the rest of the night with Yoo Mi in one of the officetel he rented for a week so that Yoo Mi could study in peace and quiet.  She finished her finals that day and they had one more night of rent.  He was happy, excited and in love.  He barely remembered anything about the gala but remembered the night of passion he spent with his now wife, Yoo Mi.  He only remembered this man vaguely since he could swear that he got a glare before he did a double take and the president once again had one of those fake smiles people flash the media. 

He can now understand the glare.  Baekhyun swore if Yoo Mi ever gives him a daughter that he will lock her away in a convent away from the likes of him.

"Anneyeonghaseyo" Baekhyun bowed formally in greeting.  He had to swallow nervously at the next question the president threw him.

"Can you swear to make my daughter happy?  And don't play dumb.  This time I can see that you know who I am."

"Yes sir! I love your daughter.  I intend to take care of her and our baby for the rest of my life and thereafter." Baekhyun proudly met his eyes, his honesty and conviction etched in every line of his body.

"Good.  Make sure you do that so I don't have to break your legs.........Mwo?  What baby?  Dammit! Did you get my daughter pregnant you little lackwit!" His father in law ended with a roar. 

Baekhyun was ready to bolt but his father in law was now chuckling.  Seriously he hopes his children never get any of this man's bad genes.  He seems a bit bipolar.  Two hours later he emerged from the room feeling like he tangled with a barracuda.  He asked so many questions he couldn't quite keep up. Baekhyun had the impression his father in law was trying to keep up with his daughter's life but because she is essentially a shy and private person, he could only watch from a far.  Unlike most women of his generation, she does not live her life connected to  any SNS account.  She barely has a working phone.

How could one of the richest man in the country be the missing father of his wife?  From what Yoo Mi heard from her deceased mother, her father abandoned them for another woman and started another family. 

From what Mr. Kim told him, although he divorced his wife since they had "shotgun marriage" when she got pregnant with Yoo Mi, he never stopped trying to get custody of his child but his ex-wife (Yoo Mi's mother) kept moving around every time it looked like he was finally going to win in court until finally, he promised stop his custody battle.  He hired various private investigators to keep an eye on her, but it was hard to keep up with a person who essentially liked to blend into the background. 

"Baekhyun, your phone is ringing again.  It's your wife.  Pick-up before she calls me again.  I'm running out of excuses as to why you are late going home."  Chanyeol whined tiredly somewhere in the restaurant. Only his long legs were visible since he was currently laying down on the chairs.

"Stop pacing hyung!  You are making me dizzy!  I want to go home too but I can't explain this to my folks just yet so can we please go back to your home?  I'll even sleep on the floor again."  Sehun complained like the others who were making grumbling noises.  Only Kai was quiet but that's because he gave up an hour ago and just went to sleep on top of one table.  No one will believe this is the same man who everyone describes as "walking sex on a stick".  Right now he looks like a teenager who passed out after his first beer.

"Baekhyun, we all need rest.  We have a press conference in two days and we all look like shit.  We'll take turns helping you explain to Yoo Mi."  Xiumin stood up and slung one arm on Baekhyun's shoulder forcing the younger man to sigh loudly and nod his head. 

"Yeoboseo?  Yoo Mi? We're all okay.  We stopped by Chanyeol's restaurant to eat and got late talking.  Go to bed.  I'll wake you up and explain everything when I get there." Baekhyun paused to listen before replying again.  "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to worry you.  I love you too.  I'll be home soon."  Despite his anxiety, he smiled happily when he told his wife he loves her making everybody slightly jealous wondering when they are going to find their own special love.

"Okay, someone wake up Kai from the table and let's head out.  Tomorrow we can pack up our stuff from the old dorm and move in to our new one.  Let's not impose on the Byuns any longer." Suho directed everyone to action.

"Anya! Anya!  It's okay.  Don't worry about it.  We are managing and we want to help out. You guys wouldn't be having such a hard time if I didn't get you involved in my problems." Baekhyun was adamant in denying any discomfort in having so many people in his parent's tiny place.

"Forget it Hyung.  We knew what we were doing when we walked out with you.  Besides, we now all have jobs again." Sehun mumbled sleepily as he walked behind Suho dutifully.

Half an hour later, the boys were back at Baekhyun's home and got ready one by one to go to sleep.  Baekhyun found his wife sleeping the couch obviously waiting for them to come home.  He tenderly and carefully picked her up in his arms and carried her back to their room.  His work-outs finally paid off and he has the muscles to prove it.  A year ago, he would have fallen flat on his face if he tried lifting his wife.

Baekhyun laid her down carefully on the bed kissing her head lightly before disappearing into the bathroom for a quick wash.  It was occupied but he was in hurry since Yoo Mi started stirring when he laid her down on the bed.  Luckily it was DO who was in the shower and after a short argument which of course he won, DO found himself rubbing Baekhyun's back as the married man hurriedly took a quick shower.  It was the fastest DO had ever seen Baekhyun move since he had known him.

Fifteen minutes later, Baekhyun was sliding underneath the bedcovers with his wife.  She was drowsy from sleep but welcomed him with a loving smile.  "You're back.  How are you?  Is everyone....?"

Baekhyun captured her lips with his own, needing to feel her touch.  She returned his kiss without hesitation, parting her lips with a smile when he nudged her own. She lifted her arms to slide her hands under his shirt, pleasantly surprised to touch his warm and naked skin.  Baekhyun trailed soft, tender kisses to her neck and she roamed her hands freely, caressing his back, slender waist and naked butt cheeks?  She laughed softly. 

Baekhyun continued to caress and kiss his wife, silencing her moans with his lips, removing her clothes with his hands, loving her with his body and soul. His hot breath mingled with her own. He lifted his head a fraction to breathe "I love you" just before he once again buried himself inside her sweetness.  She was biting her lips softly to keep herself from moaning out loud with each slide of his body into hers.  He swallowed the scream she would have let out when she found her fulfillment.  A few more strokes and he soon followed her.

She was grinning drowsily in his arms, only half listening to his murmurs about what happened that day.  She's happy that Baekhyun and the other members found another company to work for. Her eyes were already closed and she was nearly asleep when he whispered one last news.

"By the way, I met your father today.  He's my new Company's president."  Baekhyun told her drowsily.

"What did you say???"  Her eyes flew open, suddenly wide awake but her idiot of a husband chose that moment to fall asleep.

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