Chapter 15

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Surprisingly, news of EXO walking out of SME never came out. All the members kept searching the news and all major SNS sites for stories but didn't come up with anything.  This made them more apprehensive.  Lay kept calling wondering what was going on.  For his own safety the members managed to convince him to stay in China and keep working like nothing was wrong.  Secretly, Suho called the older members of "Go Fighting" to take care of him after explaining the situation.  Although they did not fully understand, they agreed to take care of Yixing.

"We need a plan.  We all know things will be difficult for all of us from this point onwards.  Does anyone have a suggestion?" Suho opened up the topic everyone was thinking of.

The doorbell rang and broke the silence.  Frowning, everyone automatically glanced at the front door.  Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders indicating he doesn't know who it could be.  Hesitantly he got up to open the door but at the last minute went into the kitchen.  He came out carrying his wife in his arms, moving fast towards their room.  Yoo Mi threw a confused looked at the members while holding her soapy hands away from Baekhyun.  Seconds later Baekhyun came out and locked the door behind him.

"In case it's the media, I want Yoo Mi and the baby safe." He explained when Suho raised an eyebrow in question.  Reluctantly, he finally opened the door.  Two masked men clumsily fell in a heap as he opened the door.

"Yah! Paboya! Get off!" One of the masked intruders made a muffled hiss at the other one who was currently giggling uncontrollably.  Kai grinned widely and hurried to get Shinee's Taemin and Minho untangled.  Baekhyun smiled and hurriedly closed the front door before helping Kai.

"What are you two doing here?" Baekhyun was smiling but puzzled at the sudden appearance of these two.

"Sorry.  Kai called me last night to borrow some shirts.  I figured I might as well bring it in person and find out what the fuzz is all about." Taemin's handsome face was revealed after Minho yanked his mask and playfully swatted his head with it.

"And you?" Minseok asked Minho as he assisted him to stand up.  Taemin was currently going around hugging everyone. 

"I'm here to make sure he doesn't fuck up on the way here." Minho grunted as he brushed his pants of the non-existent dirt.

"Yah!"  Taemin protested but sounded muffled.  He found some of the left over breakfast that Yoo Mi left on the table and was currently stuffing his face with it.

"So what's the deal? Are all of you pulling a Kris on SME now?" Minho teased them but joined Taemin at the table.

"A Kris?" Everybody asked in unison.

"You know leaving without goodbyes or explanation." Taemin mumbled between bites.
"Hyung, what are you doing?" Sehun asked in confusion.

"Eating breakfast.  We snuck out of the dorms in the early morning hours to avoid the fans and reporters.  Took a few wrong turns and then got lost."  Minho was wolfing down the sausages and breaking off bread.  "We didn't have time to eat breakfast."

"We can see that.  I mean why are you here?  Don't get involved" Sehun replied.

"We won't.  But if you need anything else, let us know." Minho answered once again.  Taemin's face currently has a bowl of rice covering most of it.

"So is anyone going to explain what's going on?" Minho asked calmly.  All members of EXO glanced at Baekhyun as one.  He gave everyone a bright smile and left the room.  He came back holding hands with a confused Yoo Mi.  Minho and Taemin automatically stood up and greeted her politely.

"I would like you to meet Yoo Mi...." Baekhyun began, Taemin flashed her a hundred-watt bright, and sexy smile.

"Annyeonghaseoyo!" Both greeted warmly and friendly.

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