Chapter 19

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It was always like this.  He goes on tour, he would either come rushing home, or he would fly me out to which ever country he was having a concert.  We had made love in some pretty luxurious hotel rooms, some knee hurting back seats, and some weirdly exotic places.  I drew the line at making love at the beach after the first time we did it on the sand. It was irritating and funny how sand managed to get into places that sand had no business getting into.

He didn't forget our baby girl either. For someone who was less than 30 months old, she has a lot of stamps on her passport.  Baekhyun was confident that our child will never be neglected.  Once we were in China to watch Lay's solo concert and we came back to our hotel all aroused and horny. (You would too if you ever see Lay dance).   He knocked next door, unceremoniously handed our daughter to Chanyeol and dragged me into our room.

Chanyeol turned red and so did I because we all knew what was going to happen.  I didn't know it, but later Chanyeol was mercilessly teasing my husband that he had to put his noise cancelling headphones over our daughter's ears because we were so loud while making love next door.

Little Hye-Mi got all her uncles wrapped around her little fingers.  Chanyeol always goes overboard when he buys her presents.  Lay is her favorite lullaby singer, so on days we can't get her to nap, we hand her to Lay and she's out like a light.  Often, we will find both sleeping where we left them, little Hyemi tucked securely in uncle Lay's arms.  Suho buys her expensive gifts which she's too young to handle anyway, DO made her homemade baby food when she started eating solids and up to now we can only make her eat veggies if uncle DO prepared it.  She's also a great charlatan, used to getting her way.  I blame DO for her acting skills.  I've seen my husband act. She didn't get it from him.

Xiumin went for his mandatory army enlistment and we visited once but Hyemi made a fuss about leaving uncle Xiumin, so we dared not do that again soon.  We had to call Lay in China to sing for Hyemi to calm her down.  Baekhyun and Chanyeol were pulling their hairs out with worry at her wailing while Kai was laughing his head off.  Surprisingly, Kai was the only one who dealt with Hyemi in a level headed way.  Must be because he has his own niece.

Sehun was a brat who is not used to not being the baby.  But he was a softie when Hyemi is around.  He carries her around for long periods whenever they tour other countries, his height ensuring she gets the best view.  His pictures splashed across the tabloids with a baby in his arms made him more of a "Daddy" than he cares to know about.

Chen was the first to launch a solo career in Korea, Baekhyun was his biggest fan and supporter.  He had a small twenty second downloadable song when you buy his album.  It was a lullaby that Lay composed for little Hyemi sung in Hangul, Mandarin, Japanese and English.  Women who used to be ardent EXO-Ls that started getting married and having their own family bought his Album once again remembering their youth and nurturing their dreams of their future.

Baekhyun was a happy family man.  He was proud of his happy marriage and healthy baby.  As part of a TV special, he allowed himself and Hyemi to participate in a two part special episode of "Superman returns."  Viewers loved his warm ways of taking care of his daughter.  It was adorable how clueless he was most of the time.  He even called Chanyeol, Suho and Lay in panic over a rash he found on his daughter.  He blushed profusely when it was concluded that his tiny mustache caused the rash.  He bought a razor and started shaving at the store all the while apologizing to his daughter who was busy stuffing her face with ice cream that Suho and Chanyeol competed to buy for her.  Like all things in life, things were decided depending on who won rock-paper-scissors.

After what happened to me last time, Baekhyun was adamant that he does not want another baby and risk losing me.  What was funny was for all his drama, this is what actually happened that day.

"I'm sorry Sir, but your wife......" the doctor began to tell him.

"NO!" Baekhyun was shaking his head in denial.

"Sir! You need to let go of your wife now...." The young doctor began once again.

"Never!  She can't leave us!" Baekhyun sobbed.

"Sir! You have to let go so we can transfer your wife to her bed in the ICU.  She's breathing on her own again but still needs monitoring.  We can't do that if you don't let go." The young doctor finally blurted out in rush of exasperation.

"Oh!  Sorry." Baekhyun nodded a little ashamed of his dramatics.  I was being extubated but was not fully conscious. My hand was cold but my cheeks were slowly filling with color.

And from then onwards to this time, we were inseparable.  My father and I were slowly rebuilding our relationship, my daughter Hyemi was the apple of his eye.  It was on her second month from birth that I found out how rich my father really is.  Papers for stocks in various companies were delivered to our house.  He bought my daughter stocks worth millions in US dollars. He told me since I wouldn't accept any money from him, it was his right and privilege to shower my daughter with everything else. 

Baekhyun giggled like a schoolgirl at my stupefied expression when I was reading the papers.  He told me later that my father already spoke to him about it and he has no objections as long as I don't. 

The only thing that I am not so happy about was Baekhyun's refusal to have me conceive more children.  He was terrified of losing me again and was more vigilant than I was about my monthly cycles.  Being an only child, I always wanted more than one child of my own.  Despite my hilariously failed attempts at seduction (which my husband loved) he adamantly refused to have me conceive more.  Surprisingly my doctor actually backed him up, pointing towards my tendency to have high  blood pressure problems on each visit.  I retorted that she should try being married to one Byun Baekhyun.

But my wonderful husband was understanding and has a big heart.  He asked me something I never even considered any virile man will suggest.  Adoption.

And that's why today, we are on our way to seal the adoption papers for our boys.  One a year older than Hyemi and the other only a few months old.  We also have Baekhyun's dogs, now ours, and Chanyeol and Sehun constantly mooching things off the pantry and life is noisy and  complete.

I glanced at my husband once again and he paused his long strides to turn to me and give me a long loving kiss.  I heard somebody gagging and shouting to get a room in the background but I was lost in this kiss.

It all started with this kiss.



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