04.Meet Anna

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Everyone gathered around the school hall,taking their sits. I sat at the back of the hall. "Good morning students,my name is Mrs. Williams. I just want to say welcome to Evern More High,I hope you will enjoy it here,make new friends but remember what you are here for,to get education. Now please go to the table next to the door and get your schedule for the month. Please go to your first period immediately after you get your schedule. Thank you and have a good day". She said waving her hand goodbye. Everyone clapped and got off their sits to get their schedules,I did the same.

"You are"?. Said the lady who was giving out the schedules looking down at the long list that was on her table. "Lisa,Lisa Anderson" I replied while cracking my right thumb. "Oh right here on top Miss. Anderson. You are the transfered student from Lake High right"?. She said this time looking up at me. "Yes,yes I am" I said. "You must be smart because that school is one of the best school in the country". She said handing me my schedule. I just smiled at her and walked away.

I looked down at my schedule,Chemistry. Snap it's my first period. Walking down the school corridor trying to find my way to chemistry class I feel a hard object bump into my shoulder. "Am so sorry". A sweet girly voice said. "It's okay". I replied not looking at the person I pick up the books that fell when she bumped into me. Looking up to hand her,her books I see a tall, light skinned beautiful girl with hazel brown eyes and hair that matched her eyes. "Thank you". She says as I give her,her books. "You welcome". I replied with a smile.
"Anna". She says handing me her hand for me to shake. "Lisa". I say shaking the hand handed to me. "So Lee you new here"?. She asks winking her left eye after saying the word Lee. "Yes I am Ann". I say then also wink after the word Ann. "What about you"?. "Me too". She replied with a big smile on her face like a little girl who just received a thousand of candies. "What is your first period,mine is chemistry". She says. "Me too". I replied. "Oh my word do you know what this means"?." No"? I said raising my right eyebrow. "We are both new here and we attend the same classes,so we get to be bestiesss!!'. She says grabbing both my hands then made us jump up and down like little kids. I must say she is one weird person I have ever met. I like her. "Yesss!" I say in excitement. We both looked at each other and burst out of laughter at our redic conversation.

We made our way to chemistry class. Learners were still settling in. So I guess we were not late. I hate being tardy.Ann and I took our sits at the back of the class and waited for the lesson to begin

"Good morning students my name is Mrs. Havery and I will be your chemistry teacher for the year. Please open your text book to chapter 1 pa...". She paused as she looked at the door. "You are late again Mr. Williams". She says to the tall boy that was standing by the door with a hoodie that covered his face. "Take your sit and take off that hoodie now". Mrs Harvey says. The boy looked around the class trying to find his sit,still can't see his face. His head still moving left and right looking for a place to sit,suddenly he stops moving his head. It looks like his head is looking right at me. He starts heading my direction. Oh my word is he coming this way. I say in my mind. He sits right next to the empty space that was next to me. 'Take off that hoodie Mr. Williams". Mrs. Harvey demands. He takes it off and shakes his head side to side that it made his brown hair go down his face. He moves his left hand and gently brushes off his hair backwards that it made his face more visible. He then looked at my side he smiled and said "didn't your parents ever tell you that it's rude to stare". Oh my word it's the guy that I saw earlier this morning the green eyed guy with brown hair. "Helloooo,are you done drooling over me"? . He said waving his hand on my face,bringing me back to reality. I cracked my thumb and looked away.

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