06.sex slave

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Kevin's p.o.v

"No,dad please don't"!. I said holding my dad's arm preventing it from hurting her. "It's to late son the bitch deserves to die". He said pushing my hand away. "Aaaaahhh"!,she screamed in pain.

"No no no"!, I cried out. I slowly opened my eyes. "It's a dream", I said to myself breathing heavily. I was dreaming about her again. I got off my bed,went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror,I was sweating from the dream that I had. I quickly took a shower,brushed my teeth and hair. I walked back to my room,went to the closet I picked out a black golf T-shirt,grey torn up jeans and some black convers. Looking at the clock on my wall 08:01,shit I will be late again. I quickly went down stairs to grab a apple cause I was already late for a proper breakfast. Heading downstairs I saw my Aunt Jane holding a apple on her hand next to the door. "You are late hurry" she said handing me an apple while opening the door for me. "Bye,love you",I said giving her a kiss goodbye on her cheeck. "Love you too,have a good day at school and no more complains from the principal Kevin",she said waving her hand goodbye. "I promise",I said getting in my car. I drove a 10mins drive. I got in the gates of Evern More High,parked my car in a parking lot that had my name on it,well more like my second name Mr. Williams. Got out of the car I saw a lot of new faces. Ohh I forgot today school will not start on its normal time cause we have to welcome new students and what so ever. "Yo,Kevin we are over here", John said weaving his hand heading me to a tree where they were sitting. John is my best friend from kinder garden, we have been tight since from then. I walked over to them. Kate,Kathren,and James. They are also my friends but we only meet each other a year ago,but you'd swear that we have known each other for a long time. We chilled under that tree for a while,then the siren rang telling us that school has started. Crap.

Mrs. Williams,the school principal said a few words to welcome the new students at the school hall then we went to our classes after getting our schedule for the month. "Hey babe". It's that annoying voice again,Stella. "What do you want Stella". "Ouch!,is that a way to greet your girlfriend that you love so much"?. She said while doing puppy eyes. "Love?,yeah right keep on fooling yourself Stella",John playfully coughed out those words then the gang laughed. "Excuse me can you speak a little louder rat"? Stella said to John. But then I quickly interrupted them before it got ugly. "So Stella what do you want",I just thought maybe we could, you know me and you have a quickie in my car before you go to class",she said bitting her index finger like some horny bitch. Stella's not really my girlfriend she is just my sex slave. I don't love her I just think she is good in bed that's all. "Sure why not",I said as I pulled her closed to me and squeezed her ass. "I think that's our queue to go",Kathren said and they all went to their classes. "Hey kev",John called out. "Yeah"?,I asked. "Don't be late again to Mrs. Harvey's class. "Sure",I winked and went to the parking lot with Stella. We got in the back of her car. She started kissing my neck and brushing my hair. "Take off your shirt",I commanded her. She did what I told her. I ripped off her pink and white bra and squeezed her breast "mmmmhh",she moaned. She took off my jeans and I took of her shorts and her underwear. I started squeezing her ass then I took off my underwear and she slowly brushed my penis,as she was brushing it,it kept of growing wider and wider. I couldn't take it anymore,I pushed her down on the sit I was on top of her and my penis went in her virginal. "Ohhhh",I moaned. My penis went in and out in and out in and out in and out innnnn then out of her virgina. "Get out am done",I said getting off,of her . "B...but...",she mumbled but I cut her of. "I said get out bitch". She quickly got dressed and got out of the car. "It's my car you know"!, she shouted then banged the door behind her.

I got dressed and headed to my first period,which I was of course late for AGAIN.

So what do you think about Kevin?, Sorry for a short chapter I was kinda introducing Kevin to ya'll guys
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