07.The new girl

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I made my way to my first period which is chemistry. I reached my destination,opening the door Mrs. Havery and the class suddenly kept quiet and stared at me. "You are late,again Mr. Williams. Find a sit and take off that hoodie". She said. I looked around the classroom trying to find an empty sit. Moving my eyes side to side I notice a beautiful girl with brown hair and eyes that matched with her hair sitting at the back of the class. I must say she is quite pretty. Next to her was an empty sit,thank god. I made my way to her,I mean the empty sit . What's happening to me. "Take off that hoodie now. Mrs. Harvey commanded. I took the hoodie off and pushed my hair away from my face. I felt like someone was staring at me,I hate it when people just stare at me it's rude. I turned to the beautiful girl sitting next to me hoping that she was the one staring at me. Oh dear mind what are you saying. Guess what she was staring. "Didn't your parents ever tell you that it's rude to stare"?,I asked but it's like she didn't even hear what I just said. Like she was day dreaming. "Helloo,done drilling over me"?,I asked trying to get her out of her thoughts. She just looked away and started fidgeting with her thumb. I must say she is different,most of the girls would be blushing or giggling that I spoke to them,but then she didn't do all that stupid stuff that girls do every time a word comes out of my mouth. I like her. Noo nooo no,I can't let some girl that I met like 2 minutes ago ruin my reputation. Which is of course to play girls. I can't fall in love not right now. I can't lose that bet.

The siren rang indicating that chemistry class is over. The class ended faster than I expected,usually it takes like forever. I headed to my next class,Biology. Walking down the school corridor I saw the girl I was sitting next to in chemistry class staring at me again. Why is she always looking at me?. No wait,I think she's thinking about something. She's not even blinking. What's up with this girl?, I've never seen her smile or talk it's like when I look at her she's in her thoughts. I should go and say something. Surely you are wondering why am interested in her. Well the thing is she reminds me of her. She just has that special thing that's undescribable. That look that reminds me of her,hurt,abused,alone,scared and afraid in the inside but strong,powerful and brave on the outside. I went over to her,just to make a quick conversation,try to know her better. As I was approaching her I realised that she was still in her thoughts,her eyes started tearing up. What is she thinking about?. I have to do something to get her out of that bad day dream. "Wow didn't know that my looks can literally make someone cry. Please excuse my hotness for burning your eyes,it gets out of hand sometimes",I said with a smirk on my face. I don't want to be nice to her, don't want to get close to her yet I want to know so much about her. I'm afraid of loving her,I'm afraid that I might lose her like I lost my...

She blinked her eyes trying to get her vision back. After a few blinks she just stood there frozen. It's like she saw a ghost the way she was staring at me. She staring doing that thing that I kind of notice she likes doing quite a lot,fidgeting with her thumb. Why does she also do that when I say something to her. "Hey,do you ever talk"?,I said trying to break the awkwardness. I think she was about to say something,but then that voice again interrupted her. Damn you Stella!.

"Hey Kevin babe,I am waiting for you in the car what's taking you so long?,she said covering my waist with her arms. "Well I was ju...". "What is this"?,she said looking at the silent girl I was trying to talk to. I wanted to punch Stella so badly for her rudeness,but yet again I thought about it,noo Kevin don't be a fool if I do something stupid then Stella will notice that I c..c..care about this girl I don't even know and plus people will start talking then baam my reputation done the drain and I lost the bet just like that. "Stella I think you mean who is SHE"?,I said not realising what u just said. Am suppose to be against her not acting like I care. What's happening?. "Yeah whatever,what are you I mean who are you and what are you doing with my boyfriend". I looked at the girl hoping she might say something but she just stood there didn't say a word. What's up with this girl?. I decided to say something before Stella say something rude or something that might hurt her feelings. "Stop it,don't even bother talking to her,she won't say anything. You are wasting your time on her. I don't want you to get to know people like her she is out of your league",I said feeling guilty and hurt about what I just said to her. I say trash to a lot of people and I dint feel anything after that but with her it's different. "You are right babe,now can we please go",she begged me. Stella and I just have set whenever I want to. She gives me what I need and gets what she wants. "Sure",I said looking at the girl.

We walked away from her Stella holding my hand,more like squeezing it. I felt really bad about what I did,I wish I could tell her that am really sorry for acting like a jerk. I turned to look at her,I looked her in the eyes giving her a look that said am sorry. Hoping that she might get it. She just looked away and started this fidgeting thing. Guess she didn't get the message.

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