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Kevin's P.O.V

I made my way to the cafeteria after skiping English class. Walking towards the guys I notice the girl from chemistry class sitting with them. What the hell is she doing there. "I believe you are sitting on my sit",I said in a harsh voice. She turned around and look at me with her beautiful eyes. "Oh it's you",I said with a smirk. She stared at me like I was crazy or something. "Stop staring and get your ass of my sit",I said hoping I didn't scare her off. She immediately got off the sit and ran out of the cafeteria. For some reason I felt bad for what I did. What am I saying. Some girl whom I believe was also sitting with us but I didn't notice her,ran after her. "Wow Kevin you did not just do that",Kathren said. "Guess what then baby girl I just did,or what do you have a problem with that"?,I said looking right into her eyes. "Well..huh...huh..I..mmm" she mumbled. "Well yes Kevin I have a problem with that. How could you be so rude to her,you hardly know her and already you are mean. You are a selfish and heartless being Kevin that's what you are and also be!",Kate shouted. Here's that word again "Heartless


"Why Kev why,you just let him kill her. Why?. You didn't do anything.",she said punching my arm in anger. "I..I'm...I ju..just",I mumbled. "You what huh?,well Mr let me tell what you are, you Kevin Williams are a mean ,cruel and HEARTLESS person. I hate you".

"Don't you ever raise your sluty voice at me. You are forgetting that I made you who you are today and I can take that all away if you don't watch your damn mouth. Watch what you say to me.",I snapped at her getting everyone's attention. "What are you looking at fools". I got up of my sit and rushed out of the cafeteria

Lisa's P.O.V

I rushed out of the cafeteria heading to the lady's room. I closed the door and hug my knees to my chest and tears started falling down my cheeks. I took out my black note book and a pen and stared writing:
My life is a HUGE pain. No one makes me happy. They just break me down more and more ever day. Maybe,life is a lesson. Everything is the same to me. Happy/sad, silence or noisy. It's all the same:'(

"Hey Lee,are you there"?,Anna got me out off my thoughts. "Look Lee,I'm sorry okay. Please come out,I know you are in there I can hear your breathing you know". She said making me laugh out loud. I got up and wipe my tears then placed my book inside my bag pack. I slowly opened the door. "You okay Lee"?,she asked looking worried. Someone does care about me. "Yeah Ann,never been better actually",I lied. "You don't have to pretend to me Lisa I'm your friend. How could he talk to you like that?,I hate him. His too full of himself. I don't like him,she folded her arms and pouted her mouth like a three year old. "You are funny. It's cool. After all I was sitting on his sit". "What are you crazy Lee there was no name in that chair dear. His just an ass hole. She said. "Ann it's cool honestly. Water under the bridge",I lied. "Okay then If you say so. Now let's go finish lunch am starving,Anna said touching her stomach. "Okay fine let's go,but then wait promise me that we will find another place to sit during lunch tomorrow".,I said hoping she won't ask why. "Sure,no biggie",she said winking at me.

We made our way back to the cafeteria. For some reason we walked into a very quiet room,until I heard a familiar voice,Kevin. "What are you looking at fools". He said storming out of the cafetiere pushing anyone and anything that was in his way. He looks a lot more like him,his aggressive, he had a lot of anger. It's like his screaming silently for help. No way what the hell I'm I saying he doesn't need no help his just a HEARTLESS person.

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