11.under the tree

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I got into my car and drove home to get some rest. I got home,made food then put on my favourite movie,Lion King.  It kind of calms me down. "I'm home",my aunt announced kissing my cheek. "You know I'm old for that",I said playfully wiping away the kiss. "You will always be a child to me pombi",she said. "How was your day at school?,hope you didn't get in trouble",she said walking to the kitchen to warm up dinner. "I rather not talk about my day. How was your day at work,found a boyfriend yet",I said teasing her. "That's not funny Kevin",she said coming out of the kitchen with two dishes of spaghetti and cheese on her hands. "You are the only man that I need in my life",she said playfully pinching my cheek like I was a three year old boy. "Yeah sure whatever. Let's eat I'm starving",I said taking the fork to eat my food.

"The lawyer called me today",aunt Abby said. I cling my hand. "What did he say?",I asked. "Your dad is getting out of prison tomorrow", she said looking down. "No no no why would they set that bustard free". I stood up and hit the table with my fist in anger. "Kevin listen to me? at the end of the day his still your father and I'm sure he regret what happened",Abby said. "No he doesn't regret a thing okay Aunt he doesn't. Excuse me I need to get some air",I said taking the keys from the counter.  "Where are you going Kev we need to talk about this",she grabbed my wrist. "Talk about what huh the is absolutely nothing to talk about here",I said pushing her hand off my wrist. "At least tell me where you are going the pombi",she said. "Out okay!, I'm going out to get some air. Is there a problem with that"?,I shouted and banged the door behind me

I drove to the park. The only place that I could think,were I could find myself. The only place that I could be ME. I walked towards my usual place,under the tree. But then I saw a figure sitting there. I walked closer to the tree.

"He..hello is there anybody in there",she mumbled. I swear I know that voice. I walked closer to that person. No way is that Lisa. What is she doing here?. "What are you doing here",I asked. "You",she said like I was some kind of stranger. "Yes it's me now answer me why are you here",I asked. "I..I jut came here to relax is there  a problem with that",she asked. "Wow you talk",I teased her. She rolled her eyes. I then noticed that her eye was all bruised up and I must say she was wearing way warm clothes. It's like 32°C out here. "Hey what happened to your eye",I asked leaning towards her to touch her eye. She removed my hand and looked down. Then started fidgeting with her thumb.  "Nothing,I just fell into a pool",she replied. I could tell that she was lying. "What are you doing here",she asked. "This is where I come to think",I replied sitting down,crossing my legs. "You think,about what exactly",she teased me. "You know about stuff about life. My life",I replied looking down. "Are you okay",she asked taking a sit next to me. "Yeah why wouldn't I be okay",I lied. "Oh okay I was just asking",she said . We just sat there in silence all you could hear were a lot of thoughts coming out of our minds. It became dark. My aunt must be worried by now. "Hey we better get going. Your parents must be worried by now. You want a ride"?,I said standing up. "Ah...ahh,it's fine you can go without me I'll be fine",she said looking down and cracking her thumb. She's lying. "Are you okay",I asked. "Yes okay I'm fine and why do you care anyway",she shouted. "I just don't want to go home okay",she said sounded a little calm. "So where will you go then",I said leaning closer to her. "I..I don't know",she said with tears dropping down her cheeks. I pulled her gently to my chest. "It's okay you can come and stay at my house. You can sleep in the guest room",I said. "Are you s..ure I don't want to intrude",she said pulling away from me and looking me in the eyes. "You are not intruding I'm offering you a place to stay until you figure out where you will live",I said. "Thank you Kevin",she said giving me a hug.

We walked into the car. We drove in silence. We finally arrived home. "We are here",I said getting good out of the car to open the door for her. We walked in the house. "Kevin is that you. I was worried sick about yo-",she paused,then looked at Lisa. "This is Lisa, Aunt she will be staying with us for a while",I introduced Lisa. "Nice to meet you young lady",Abby said giving Lisa a hug. "Nice to meet you too Ma'm",Lisa replied. "No need to get all formal now you can call me Abby or Aunt or Aunt Abby",Abby aid smiling at Lisa. "Okay then Ma'- I mean Aunt Abby",Lisa said while fidgeting with her thumb. "Okay now come,come in",Abby grabbing Lisa's hand. "Are you hungry,must I dish for you"?,I asked her. "No I'm not,thank you",she replied. "I can ran you a bath then show you your room",I said. "Yes please",she replied. We walked up the stairs into the bathroom. "Here's the towel and I will put some clothes that you can wear on your bed",I said walking out. "Hey Kevin",she called out. I turned to look at her. "Thanks, a lot",she said. "You welcome. Oh and your room is that one",I said pointing at the opposite door. "Oh okay thanks again",she said. I smiled at her then walked out.

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